
What is the worse place you have ever traveled to or through?

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Mine is a toss up between Minnesota and Missouri. Yes, the whole states.

And yes, I'm from Iowa. I'd rather drive through Nebraska than put up with Minnesota's drivers or Missouri's roads.

(Two of my closest friends are native Minnesotans, and even they agree that the drivers are terrible up there.)




  1. Paris. the city is beautiful and iconic, but the people and the culture is awful, made the trip really unbearable after about 3 days, so i went back to London (way cooler city).

  2. Ok I think the one who was in Naxci.. something won.

    Anyways theworst place was Venezuela.

    First, I really dislike the clown-like-president they have.

    Second, colombian people are treated like **** there, I have never been treated so bad, and I have t say that I traveled to USA amost when de 9 11 ocurred,so te controls were really strict.

    if I wuld have the chance to go there and someone will pay for it, for sure i will reject the offer.

    It is not a beautiful country, it is not a bad looking one, but the way the treated me took me out of there as soon as I could.

  3. The south side of Chicago.

  4. Worst drivers? Montreal, Quebec.

  5. Yeah, I'd have to say pretty much the Mid West.

  6. thats insulting i love missouri it is my home state

    but south calalina is a s.hit hole and it is so boring

  7. Alexandria,Louisana,the people are racist folks,they can't drive worth c**p,they jealous of the people with expensive cars like(Mercedes,Jaguar,BMW).

  8. ive been to mexico. the pollution is horrible. i suffer from asthma and i felt like c**p for the whole 3 weeks i was there . i swear i was going to die there

  9. Utah

  10. India!

  11. Kuwait and some of the areas around Kuwait, in Iraq. Also, some of the jungle in South America along the Amazon. But no matter how different they are in scenery, they still were, in my books, h**l.

  12. KENTUKY!!!!! i was driving from chicago to north carolina. that was a boring A## ride. gas station after gas station.

  13. i have to say new york. cause the part i went to wasn't very plesant.

  14. Pitcher, OK has to be the nastiest place I've ever been through.  It's so bad that a great deal of the town has been bought out by the superfund because it's basically a bunch of chat piles and broken down homes.  Also, much of the population under 30 suffers from the effects of lead poisoning. I can back you on Missouri's roads.

  15. Some villages in Asia. Worse than any shithole in America.

  16. I would have to say Alabama

  17. canada cuz it was a really long trip

  18. Naxcivan, Azerbaijan is the place that wins hands down for me. The only "hotel" that they had when we were there was formerly a five star hotel in the soviet era. But, after Azerbaijan was declared an independent nation the hotel had NO business and the employees lived in the hotel When we stayed there we experienced a bathtub filled with moldy green water and f***s, mold covering the walls, and the topper was when the "maid" walked into the room to get her slippers out of the closet. Evidently, we had displaced her, as that was normally her room!

  19. arkansas

  20. Oklahoma! The drivers suck, every 5 miles theres a freaking toll booth. I even had a cop cut me off, then FLIP me off. No lights, no sirens, He was just in a hurry!

    Give me rush hour in L.A. anyday over Oklahoma!

  21. Harlem

    i ate at a nasty *** restaurant

    then i need to go to the bathroom bad and i couldn't hold it until we got back to the hotel in our part of NY.

    do you know what it's like to us a PUBLIC bathroom in Harlem?!! i was traumatized for weeks

  22. Clapham Junction, London, UK - it is the _MOST_ dire rail station ever!!! It claims to be the busiest train station in Europe.

    I had to use this station 2+ times a week for over three years, it makes me weep thinking about it now! You'd be packed onto trains like sardines in a can, bustled about by human traffic, it was cold and the trains were rickety

    It has 16 platforms with numerous trains coming and going to and from all over the UK (mainly within London). All of the trains arriving and departing this station were ALWAYS late. This was because it was the busiest station, they had over booked the time slots - so if one train was late, it had a seriously knock on effect. Eurgh... makes me shudder to think...

  23. florida! and some of the side streets we had to detour through you could tell was gangland central near jacksonville and the drivers down there! i wouldnt take my motorcycle down there for nothing in the world let alone bike week daytona!  the speedlimit is just a suggestion!! crazy whacked drivers and they want to blame the tourists! BS the people i seen driving like c**p was mostly illegals and cubans with florida plates and dont forget the elderly drivers! geesh!

  24. Arkansas-The Land of Opportunity-yeah right!!!

    Little Rock is horrid!

  25. I have literally been all over the world, and the worst place I've ever been is Los Angeles

  26. You've led a very sheltered life.

    The worst places (in this world) I've been to are war zones.

  27. Um, I'm a Minnesota resident & drive pretty darn good (for a woman).  My first response would be Iowa due to the fact that it's nothing but corn fields & meth labs.  Second would be South Dakota since it's nothing but nothing.  At least we've got scenery up here.  Maybe you took the wrong route, neighbor.  Try taking the river road north.  Then you can stop by for a cocktail & we could go for a drive with the top down under a low bridge.

    Kisses from up north!!

  28. man to tell u the truth my worse place would be texas.

  29. East side of Detroit - terrible trash every where , bums, twenty foot barbed wire fences on everything, crumbling houses , looks like a warzone.Don't stop - just keep driving.

  30. Where i used to go to church, my dad liked to take shortcuts when leaving. It was always really late(my church is so big we have night services and day services) and we had to drive through this horrible area every time. The homes were all run down and there were crazy drivers. On occasion we would hear a gun shot or two.

    It was scary.

  31. I'd have to agree with you.  I live in Arizona and I've driven up to Minnesota quite a few times, the drivers there are horrible...  the second worse place to drive through is New Mexico, not because of the drivers...  there's just something that bothers me about the scenery (or lack thereof).

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