
What is the worst Rip Tide you've ever been caught in?

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What is the worst Rip Tide you've ever been caught in?




  1. It was when the waves were about 6-8 Hawaiian size at a outer island break and the current was whipping! Didn't realize it until i was out there. I got swept about 200 yards out and somehow scratched for an outside set just before i got sucked past the outer break.Rode it all the way in and thanked God!!!

  2. It was BAD. I got sucked under a bunch of rocks, my board snapped in half, and I cut my back on coral. It was real scary, and I survived because of an air bubble underwater, which later I learned was because of an ACTIVE underwater volcano. You dont know HOW bad it was.

  3. it wasn't all that bad, i paddled out of it before i got over 200 yds out

  4. I got sucked into one in Ocean City N.J.  Ya know how they tell you to swim parallel to the beach till you get out of it.  Well, that's all well and good until you get in one, and panic like I did.  If it wasn't for my friend screaming at me to do just that, I may not be here today.  Thanks, Stacey...

  5. I once got pulled under so bad I ended up being taken to the lost city of Atlantis

  6. I have been to the ocean about 3 times and lucky me i never got in 1 :)

  7. luckily none yet

  8. Its actually sort of a dumb story. My friends and I werent surfing, but in a inflatable boat thing and the riptide pulled us over some rocks and I got so freaked out because I thought it was a shark (haha) that I actually got out and ran against the rip tide to the shore (adrenaline! haha) But anyways, my friends were stuck out there and I had to run and found some guy on the beach to help get them in. The lifeguard eventually came over and just stood there with his little floaty thing. haha..

  9. I grew up on the Gold Coast and am a very experienced surfer, but I have been caught in rips as a young fella that really scare you. I dont know how Im still here, you learn from it.

  10. Once I was in San Diego, California with my family and we went to this beach by our hotel (I can't remember which beach). But I was playing in the water, and before I knew it I was really far away from shore. And I was trying to swim back and all of a sudden I looked behind me and this huge wave was coming and it crashed into me and I got sucked into the middle of it and I was spinning around and around for what seemed like forever. Luckily it dumped me back onto the beach. I didn't get into the water the rest of the day. haha. I was about 8 or 9 at the time.

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