
What is the worst birthday gift your child could ever get.......?

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For Alice it would be flowers that she can't play with. Her favorite thing to do with flowers is carry them around and use them while playing with her toys.

So a gift of flowers from someone who would expect her not to play with them would be the worst gift ever.

How about you or yours?




  1. My niece got a calendar made by her grandmother (not my mother in law) full of pictures of the Grandma in glamour shots types of poses.  Some of them are a little provocative.  Let's just say for November she is laying on a bear skin rug... My husband cringes when I talk about it.

  2. I would say any gift is a good is the thought that kids love anything and everything someone gives them....of course they LOVE toys more than clothes but they don't complain....I guess recieving the news of a death or disease would be bad news on anyone's birthday????

  3. Any loud toy that plays that same music over and over and over....

  4. video games, and video systems........these stupid toys are sucking our children of health, personality and creativity.  Sure they have the physically interactive Wii now, but children need to play, make up thier own games, interact ACTIVELY with other children.  Playing a video game with a friend is not interacting.  This video game generation has become socially inept because they no longer PLAY!!

  5. Our son as  joke got a bar of soap and a rope... it was from some obnoxious relatives and they thought it was really funny... i did not and gave them for their birthday a ********* and some lubricating jelly and told them dont ever come around my children or us again...

  6. Drums.  My parents keep saying they are going to get Bradley a set of real drums. I will throw them in the dumpster if they actually ever do buy a set.

  7. a new sibling on their special day.

  8. A little girl in our family was given a food processor when she was 10. LOL I thought that was bad. She just said Thank you and smiled, then later said what in the heck is it?

  9. Anything that plays annoying music, or anything that he could get hurt playing with.

  10. Anything that is LOUD or requires batteries.

    -My parents/in laws like to buy the loudest f-ing toy they can find.  We have about 20 toys that are simply "noise makers".  They don't actually have any play value besides creating noise.  Its ok if they have an on/off switch, but if not, the batteries are coming out.

    -Battery toys.  The batteries never last for more than a week.  I hate replenishing batteries, its so costly.  

    These are all my choices for worst birthday gift.  I'm sure if you ask my daughter you'd get a different response.

  11. The worst birthday gift my son actually received was from my mom and it was a John Deere toy she found at the thrift store that didn't work, had a broken headlight and the battery acid was leaking (no kidding) from the toy.  I was really really upset with her, especially since she didn't get  him something nicer for his birthday of all things.  I told her not to buy him anymore used toys from that store....she still doesn't respect my request and continues to buy from there.  She buys it, I throw it away.  I don't want to take a chance of battery acid leaking on my two year old.  

    I'm all for reusing toys, but not when they are health hazards.

    Next in line for worst gifts would be video games and pokemon type stuff.  I wouldn't let him keep those things.  He's grateful for all gifts he gets though.

  12. from a childs point of kids would probably hate to get underwear, socks and tee-shirts for their birthday. (when I was a kid my friends aunt did this to her and gave it during her birthday party with her friends there)

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