
What is the worst canadian franchise?

by Guest58342  |  earlier

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I'm talking about all time and all factors ie fan support, overall success, profits, popularity, number of cups, net worth, etc etc etc

My vote is for the ottawa senators hands down.




  1. I will go with Ottawa, they have been in the playoffs for 12 years straight and haven't won a cup and only in the finals once.

    SENSor: Is someone jelous, why don't you go take out your anger on Heatley's teeth, oh wait someone already has

  2. The Toronto Blue Jays.  I mean they're not even in a league that has a Cup.  That's gotta be bad.

  3. Another hate-filled Leafs fan...So pathetic are these weak-minded questions that try to start arguments over the internet...Sad little Leafs fan is spent from taking out his frustrations on his pillow, so he turns to the hockey section..


  4. either the toronto blue jays or the sens

  5. I'd say it's "Vancougar".  Trevor Linden was the most overrated player and now they have a goalie for a team.  Bure was good on breakaways but other than that, they aren't that good.  The Sedin Twins?  Come on.  What is this, tennis?  LOL.  You're not going to win with those 2 pretty girls on the ice...

  6. There are two teams that have never won a cup. So it must be one of those. One of these teams has gone bankrupt once and asked the major employer in the city to bail them out. But the government didn't fall for it. The same city has had it's football team go bankrupt three times due to lack of fan support.

    It took a drug dealer from the Bahamas to buy the hockey team and keep it from going bankrupt again. Sounds like Ottawa to me.

  7. Tim Horton's

  8. Hannibal... did you seriously just call the Sedins pretty? AHA! Thats hilarious!

    Obviously the person who said Tim Hortons has never really experience what Timmies has to offer!

  9. Ottawa

  10. I would have to say the Leafs

  11. Ottawa and Toronto are equally pathetic.

    Senaturds-or : as much as I depise the Laffs, i think your skeleton had hair last time your team won the cup ..

  12. I gotta go with the Leafs.

  13. If it's all time then I,m going with Ottawa definitely!

  14. My uneducated guess would be the Oilers but even then its hard to justify.

    Just a guess. Not my opinion.

  15. I would have to say the Canucks. What have they ever done?? At least the Sens have made it interesting. When the Canucks make the playoffs, they look like a joke. I am a long time fan ( over 30 years) so, as a Wings fan, I wont bash the Leafs. I just wont pile on that train wreck.

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