
What is the worst dream you've had and you can still remember at least some of it?

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Mine was when I woke up on Christmas day last year crying because it was about my dad getting killed.





    that one. maybe you can help me?

  2. I hate it when dreams like that happen! I once had a dream that my sister died from tooth loss (again, it was a dream) and I woke up and wanted to go hug her, but how would you feel if a sibling told you that he/she had a dream that you died?

    But, really, the creepiest dream I've ever had was two nights ago...I dreamed that my mom cut off her arms and put them in my sister's room. Pretty disturbing.  

  3. This one has been recurring since I was very young, maybe 2nd or 3rd grade. Most of my dreams are lucid, meaning I realize that I am dreaming. This is one of the only that never has been, even though I've had it so many times.

    I'm in a castle with my friend, Stephanie. She was always perfect, pretty, the center of attention. I do not like to be noticed, so she was always good for me. Everyone would dote on her, and I had no problems with this.

    We are walking down the hallways, pointing things out, talking to each other. We notice that there's a tiny little hole in the middle of the hallway that leads down into a dark space underneath, and a thimble of "hot lava" (2nd grade, remember lol) directly below.

    As we go on, the holes and the containers of lava get bigger and bigger. Eventually, it takes up the entire hallway. She goes first, and jumps over the edge. She makes it across, and I follow. However, when I jump over, I slip and fall. I scrape my knees on the floor and barely catch myself on the edge of the hole.

    A strange man grabs my arm, starts to pull me to safety, then looks closely and says "Oh! You're not Stephanie!" and simply lets go. That's when I wake up.

  4. loosing my daughter and seeing her through out the dream but never able to get to her...broke my heart was messed up for days

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