
What is the worst driving experience you had on the road so far? how did you feel about it ?

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What is the worst driving experience you had on the road so far? how did you feel about it ?




  1. This happened about 5 years ago. I was on my way to work, doing the speed limit in the right lane. Behind me was a semi-truck, also doing the speed limit. We were on a divided (wide grass median) highway w/ 2 lanes each direction. As we were approaching the river bridge the truck driver sped up getting so close to my car that I thought he was going to ram me. Next thing I see in my rearview mirror is the truck getting violently yanked over into the left lane. This scared me because I thought he was going to lose control slamming my car off the bridge and into the raging river below. The truck continued speeding up until he was directly beside my car. ..then he started changing lanes, no warning, no signaling. He kept coming and I kept on moving closer to the shoulder while slowing the car down. He kept coming and now I'm on the shoulder moving closer to the bridge concrete wall. He kept coming and truck's right tire is on the shoulder with the side of my car nearly scraping the concrete wall while still slowing down the car. ...and I finally get the car to a complete stop as the end of the trailer crosses onto the shoulder within an inch of tearing off entire front end of my car.

    How did I feel about it? TERRIFIED. ...and it still scares me. After it was all over I took the exit which was only 50 ft away and just sat there on the access road (lonely road w/ zero traffic) for the better part of an hour until I regained my composure enough to drive.

  2. Last week I was out of town with a work college on business.  We had a rental car and were on our way from a client's office back to the hotel room when all of a sudden the cars in from of us slammed on their brakes.  We also put the brakes on and the car behind us crashed into the back of our car.  We ended up waiting on the side of the road in 100 degree heat for about an hour for the police to arrive and file the report.  

    Once we were finished with the police we were going to head to the airport to exchange the rental car.  We ended up going the wrong direction on the highway for 30-40 minutes before we realized we were headed the wrong direction.  

    We turned around and ended up getting to the airport and exchanging the rental car.  

    All in all the accident turned out to be a 3-4 hour disaster of an afternoon.

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