
What is the worst end of the world senario?

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Just wondering...




  1. were all going to blowup!!!!!!:D

  2. bugs....

  3. Zombie apocalypse!

  4. small pox

  5. the universe and all contained atoms rip apart =P

  6. zombies! it would take years and thus prolong our eventual demise...

  7. ice caps melting... we can see it coming yet we do jack all about it!

  8. I agree with the guy at the top, ZOmbies is my 2nd worst fear!

  9. whole world turns g*y--then whole world goes to h**l

  10. me being the only straight male in a world where all the females have been extinct

  11. I can't believe no one else has mentioned A Canticle For Leibowitz...


  13. I think everyone is getting off the point.  We're looking for the WORST end of the world scenario.

    Worst as in nastiest:

    We're all eaten alive by parasites.

    Worst as in bad acting:

    Keanu Reeves stars as the grim reaper.

    Worst as in awkward:

    We all catch each other masturbating and die of embarrassment.

    Worst as in worst-probability:

    The space time continuum unravels as a result of a nice curry.

  14. We could starve for a long time. I;d rather it just blow up or something than last forever.

  15. I think the worst would be if our soul also ened.

  16. all of us must live forever,, and peoiple still produce children.

  17. ummmmm prob meteors the size of jet engines

  18. Uuuummmmm....!


    Flying Pigs...


  19. A virus that would turn us into monkeys

  20. One of terror and self-inflicted conflict

    People have a terror of the unknown

    We only revert to violence when we have no inkling of what to do

    Hence a one purpose serves all end of the world scenario...possibly a natural global disaster'

    Sucha as another Ice age

    Or a nuclear war where all war heads detonate mid flight

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