
What is the worst experience you ever had with...marine life and...

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What's the worst experience you've ever had in your career working as a(n):

Marine Biologist

Animal Trainer (marine)

Animal Keeper (marine)

Veterinarian (marine)

I am curious because I am hoping to get into a career such as one of these...I am looking forward to all your stories!!! Thank you!!!




  1. Without a doubt the worst experience I've ever had working as a marine biologist was breaking down an aquarium that had been fouled by rotting mussels. The smell was almost unbearable.

    To put this in perspective I've been bitten so badly by marsh horseflies that blood ran down my legs, had a puncture wound from a cactus needle, cut my feet on beach glass, been pinched or stung by more kinds of marine invertebrates than I can remember, and a sea cucumber eviscerated itself in my hand. But my motto remains, "Marine biologists - smelly, wet, dirty, HAPPY!"

  2. Well, I've never had any of those careers.

    As for trainers and keepers, every couple of years you'll read in the newspapers that an orca has bumped or dragged a trainer.

  3. I'm currently working on a population analysis of herring, trying to see what condition the stock is in. this means putting herring in a blender and then drying it out in an oven and removing all the fat, I smell... really bad... but I wouldn't swap it for the world. I love being a marine biologist even if it means doing the most unglamorous jobs known to mankind.

  4. i've never done any of these careers but my worst encounter with marine life would have to be the time i went on vacation my first time EVER at the beach and i was in the water and the waves were hitting pretty hard and i was facing the hotels and i turned around to face the ocean and when the wave hit me a manawar attached itself to my leg from my knee to the top of my foot and i mean it rapped all the way around lol... well of course it stung but the life guard was an idiot and told me to do the opposite than what your supposed to do and instead of helping the poison break up it basicly sealed it lol and ya my leg was twice it's size and i ended up in the hospital taking meds and rubbing a bunch of creams on my leg. it basicly scared me from going in the ocean without protective gear hahaha

  5. Worst experience with marine life?  I'd have to say basic training.  Oops!  Never mind.

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