
What is the worst experience you have had on holiday?

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What is the worst experience you have had on holiday?




  1. My grandfather died on Thanksgiving day.

  2. My hair turned green after going in the swimming pool.

  3. I love all holidays

  4. Whilst on safari the natives peed in our drinking water

  5. the airline lost my luggage. i spent a week in cancun with 2 changes of clothes and a bathing suit. not that i needed a whole lot, but they took their sweet time trying to find my suitcase. it finally showed up the night before i was to leave and come back to the states.

  6. 3 yrs ago, my dad made us miss our flight, so he drove flat-out to Dover( from North Wales), then we got the boat to Calais (i get sea-sick) and then drove straight to Florence (in Italy) with only one stop for sleep (in the middle of a car-park somewhere in Germany)

    This was in a car with my brother and sister, who were about 7, and 9, my dad (who has recently had all parental responsibility taken away), and my step-mum (who I despise). and we had the spoken Star-Wars trilogy on CD the whole way there.

    Ive never liked star Wars again lol


  7. Excessive Heat wave. Couldn't really go out and about.  

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