
What is the worst expierience you ever had on a plane regarding the person next to you or flying complications

by Guest34340  |  earlier

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What is the worst expierience you ever had on a plane regarding the person next to you or flying complications




  1. Shortly after 9/11, i was on a plane about to land at sfo, all of a sudden the plane pulled up and headed up at a steep angle, kept going, the pilot or attentants didnt say ANYTHING for the longest time, I thought I was going to die or something. Then finally they explained it was a pilot in training needing to re-approach.- jeez.

  2. suck @ss movies!

  3. The worst was a big fat sweat hog without deorderant sat next to me on a 5 hour flight.  She smelled like she was sprayed by a skunk!

  4. While returning from Viet Nam via Japan to San Francisco, the flight had the worst turbulence I ever experienced. It felt like you were on an elevator that was dropping too fast and then stopping short and falling again. When I feel sick on a plane or ship I try to go to sleep. I was in the last row of seats trying to sleep and all of a sudden the flight stewardess is standing on my lap, trying to get tongue depressors from a cabinet in  the overhead. There was this Army Sgt that was lying on the floor in the rear cabin between the restrooms having a seizure. His mouth was foaming and his body was rigid and shaking. She asked me to help her with him. I really didn't know what to do and she asked me to try to open his mouth so she could wedge the depressors between his teeth so that he could breath. after getting bit a few times, we got his mouth open and after a while he calmed down as the stewardess held his head from banging against the floor. There were also many military dependents on the plane and it was hot and humid in the cabin and babies were crying. We made an emergency landing in Alaska to get the Sgt off the plane and I've had several bad experiences flying but that was definitely the worst.  

  5. I was on a plane with about 7 other people and the flight attendant hated me for no apparent reason.

  6. October 2005, flying from Reno to Seattle.

    I had just sat down in my assigned window seat, and I noticed the plane got a little dark inside.  I looked up, and there was an incredibly fat woman waddling down the aisle. I hoped she wasn't sitting next to me, but my heart missed a beat when her eyes fixated on the seat number tag above me.  

    She squeezed into the middle seat, huffing and puffing, with rolls of fat hanging over the armrest into my lap.  Thats not an exaggeration.  Then she immediately presses the flight attendant help button, and calmly asks for a "seat belt extender" as she already knew the regular seat belt wasn't going to fit.

    If the fat jiggling in my lap wasn't bad enough, she was wearing a black track suit type of clothing covered with some type of pet hair, she was filing her fingernails (thanks for letting that slip through TSA!), and she stunk of a combination of s.h.i.t and sweat. Disgusting.

    Thank goodness it was only a 2 hour trip!

  7. 23 hour flight.

    Little three year old screaming the whole time.

    Got her dad's cane.

    Repeadtly hit me with it until I couldn't take it anymore.

    Complained about it for hours. They didn't care.

    So, I took matters into my own hands and I screamed so loud until the whole plane woke up to me. They tried to calm me down but I was f***ing PISSED.

    They made an emergency landing and got her off the plane

    It was more than that, but that's the overview.


    EDIT: I thought mine was bad until I heard 'two married americans" story. I seriously want to slap that girl in the face. Hard.

  8. Annoying kid with a Mom who didn't believe in any sort of discipline or rules being imposed on her. The kid was about 4, and she refused to put her seat belt on, and her Mom said it was her decision, and no one could force her. So, for about an hour, we sat on the runway, waiting for the kid to "decide" if she wanted to put on her seatbelt. Meanwhile, the auxiliary power unit (battery) ran out of juice because we were sitting there too long without takeoff. So then we were stuck on the runway, no air, no ventilation, it was August and hot, and we couldn't leave the airplane. The mechanics came to "jumpstart" the plane, and we were all just about ready to scream at the kids Mom. Then, she got kidding....egg salad sandwiches and overripe bananas to eat. It stunk so bad. Finally, the pilot convinced the kid to do up her seatbelt, and we got in line to take off, about 1 3/4 hours late. As soon as we got in the air, she started kicking the back of my Moms seat, and the whole time, she was talking really loudly. Since my Mom had just been in a car accident, the kicking was really bothering her back. I turned around and asked the Mom and kid to stop kicking the seat, explained Moms back trouble, and the kids Mom said "shes a kid, you should be more patient with her!"  Well, we were on a plane full of Detroit area and New York businesspeople, and the attitude on the whole plane was getting pretty bad because of the kid and her mom. When her Mom went to the bathroom, she left the kid and everyone just glared at her until she stopped kicking the seat. When we got ready to land, she started with the refusal to put her seat belt on again, but the flight attendant just reached across and put it on the kid. The entire flight, the kid was talking really loudly, and the Mom was answering loudly, irritating everyone onboard. The Mom threatened to have the flight attendant fired for making her daughter put on the seatbeat. (This was in the mid-1990's). We FINALLY landed, and when we were just about to get off the plane, my Mom turned around and said, "Doesn't that kid EVER shut up?"  Everyone cheered!  The kid asked "Why is that old lady so mad?" and her Mom answered "She doesn't remember what it was like to be 4." To which another person said, "yeah, we remember, and at 4 we respected authority."  

    That flight was terrible. I love seeing the headlines now where they kick that kind of Mother off the airline for that kind of behaviour.  

  9. I have two:

    1.  Texas to California.  Lady behind me bathed herself in that nasty, smelly perfume called "Poison."  She came on board covered in it, then went to the bathroom twice; each time she visited the toilet, she sprayed it on herself again.  I had an asthma attack, and I don't even have asthma!  

    2.  Las Vegas to New York, I had the middle seat and one of the guys sitting next to me was from Spain and asked if I spoke any Spanish.  I made the mistake of saying "si," and he talked my head off, even while I was barfing in the barf bag.  (I got sick because the plane circled the airport for over an hour before landing).  This was a 5+ hours flight and I wanted to jump outta the plane. LOL

  10. The worst happened on yesterday landing in ATL. The landing was horrible. The pilot was going too fast and we almost tilted over when hitting the ground. It was a horrible feeling. My brother jokes and says that if we would have tilted over then we would have been PAID!! LOL.

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