
What is the worst hangover u ever had?

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how long it S****y u feel. i had one today and it was horrific.




  1. Worst hangovers I've had are from drinking beer.  First bad one was from Budweiser on tap, I had to stay in a dark room and lay down for the whole next day, every time I got up a puked.  

    Also had an horrific one caused by Corona, it was at a going away party - for me.  I had to load a moving truck the next day.  Didn't even get out of bed until 1PM.

    Eat a healthy meal - red meat, potatoes, veggies and big glass of cold milk.

  2. I had one yrs ago.... ARGH!!! I had drank a whole little bottle of goldshlaugher (spelling)

    and helped my friend with his gin and juice.

    WOW! Unfortunatley didnt trow up that night, so the next day I had a NASTY hangover for about 24 hrs!!

    Headache, Incredibly sour stomach, never vomited but kept wishing I could. Didnt touch that certain drink for awhile afterwards.

  3. Red wine.  A whole lot of cheap red wine.  I had a hangover for two whole days.  I wanted to die.  One of the worst headaches (not to mention the nausea) I've ever had.

  4. Years ago, I drank a fifth of Jose Cuervo between me and 2 other people.... and we were smoking weed.  I had to go to school the next morning and couldnt, I was sick from like 5 in the morning to like 1 in the pm.  It was gross I was puking everywhere.

  5. It lasted for 3 days.  I puked for the first day, I was16 and dry heaved for 2 more days, I was forced by my mother (who called the doctor) to use salt water enemas because I was so dehydrated. I had a constant migraine and couldn't stand the sight or smell of food and cigarettes.   People were putting siding on my house for 10 hours a day for those 3 days and swearing up a storm and listening to crappy rock music.  It was 90 and humid all three of those days, I thought I was going to die.

    I got the hangover from drinking about a half a box of wine and doing a bunch of shots.  I am 5' 4" and was only 115 pounds.

    3 weeks later I got mono because some dude kissed me at the party  and I was stuck in bed for 6 weeks.

  6. All real drinkers can have them, but cure them by having another swig.

    Honestly, I had one after a works cocktail party. (Thanx Boss!) Had to work the following morning. Was drivin to work and had to pull over at intersection of street and highway and have a spew. Charming.

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