
What is the worst journey you have had to make in London?

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What is the worst journey you have had to make in London?




  1. Stayed at Tent city, went to the other side of the city alone to buy a car. Was suffering jet-lag.

    Had never driven in London before, had to drive the bloody car all the way back through peak hour traffic.

    It was very scary!

    But showed me just how polite British drivers can be. I jhad to wind down my window and asked them which way to go at ever opportunity.

    was shaking like  a leaf when I got to tent city.

    Couldn't drive the car again for 3 days.

  2. The day of the 7th July bombings.  Was working in Clapham and had to walk all the way to Camden before getting a bus to Wood Green, then waiting for my partner to pick me up to take me the rest of the way home.  Started out at approx mid day and arrived home just after 6.00 p.m.  

  3. From hone at Willesden to work at Canary Wharf when there is no Jubilee Line...

    Happens a lot lately, and involves two different trains, a bus, and about two hours longer than it should!

  4. To the vets... xx

  5. I think I was on the same train as Dazman!

  6. well my journey home once was pretty hellish, i got to Charing Cross after taking 40 minutes to travel from Oxford Circus to Charing Cross by Bus! which can be walked in 30 mins!

    to find delays on the trains! so after waiting patiently with around 300 other passengers (all this after a hard days work) i managed to sneak onto a packed train where i have the wonderful privilege of standing next to a very sweaty and stinking person!

    add to that my train was then stopped and we were all kicked off due to signal failures and told we would have to walk to the next available stop, A mere mile and a half away!

    when getting there i noticed no trains going to my stop so had to then sneak back onto a packed train and go a few stops to then get on another packed train to get home!

    what usually takes me 1hr 45 mins door to door took me well over 3hrs to get home!  

  7. About ten years ago, I used to live in Shepherd's Bush & work in Liverpool Street, which was fine except for when there was a strike then it was a nightmare to get home.  

  8. gatwick to kings cross when there was a tube strike...

  9. Definitely on a day the tube was on Strike. I had to take an overground train into Central London, I couldn't get on the first two but managed it on the third. After that I missed the last free boat (there are free boat services when the tube is on strike until about 10.30 a.m.) so had to walk three miles to get into work. What was normally a one hour journey took three hours. The journey home was much easier.

    Even on 7/7 when Central London was bombed it only took me 15 minutes longer to get home than normal.

  10. The one i make everyday

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