
What is the worst lie you've ever been told?

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What is the worst lie you've ever been told?




  1. That those coiled Flourescent light globes are environmentally friendly...They have MERCURY in them DO NOT BUY THEM!

  2. This wench told me that she loved me and then when I came home the next day she was in bed with some scumbag.

    Really p*ssed me off.....

  3. That Father Christmas is real!

    Mum, Dad, you really ruined my 21st Christmas by telling me he didn't exist!!!

  4. My dad told me a big story about when he was six and he had to milk the cows in below freezing weather and get up before dawn and do all this plus deliver the milk before school.  He had a horse and milk truck or cart.  All the milk was in glass bottles, he was on the way to deliver when the horse went crazy.  Turned out the horse was scared of a mountain lion.  Never actually saw the ML but the cart turned over and like 100 bottles crashed and broke and he was injured.

    Told my mom and she had never heard the story and said he made it up.  Turned out he did have to help with the milking and do more than most his age.  They lived in Wisconsin and his dad had died before he was born, but never knew what really happened and he liked to tell stories.

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