
What is the worst lie you have ever told

by  |  earlier

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and how long did you keep it up for? are you still living under the consequence of something that started as a bit of a joke years ago?




  1. Honey u dont look fat at all.

  2. Before I tell this tale I wish to point out that I grew up in a family of torments and this sort of thing was er...the norm.

    I told my Nan ( who lived with us) that the local council wouldn't remove the wasps nest in our wall for free because she was Irish and had never got  UK passport.

    Obviously she went ballistic much to my delight. However I then went away for a week or so to a mates at uni in Newcastle. On my return she had contacted the local press and telly. I totally s**t myself ! She said they are coming in half an hour to take a picture of her next to the nest ( she was in a wheelchair btw).

    I fessed up and I swear to God she was disappointed...she reckoned she was going to get all sorts of sympathy freebies!

    I still break out  in a sweat now thinking about it..

  3. I told some girl over the phone, that I am goodlooking.

  4. I've never ever lied in my whole life, not even a little white one. never.

  5. That I don't love s*x.

  6. I've never told a lie in years. Or I might be bluffing, and therefore lying right now...

    Busy Bee ~ I'm shocked...I really thought you were a bee! lol!

  7. Saying you look like Sacha Distelle in your next question when actually you just look like a 'proper gander', in fact like the one i stuffed at Christmas with apples, pears, herbs, oats and cinnamon. Everyone loved him too!

  8. I'm a c**p liar so I haven't told any whoppers recently

    Although I did once tell my best friend that Brian from East 17 was my cousin

    she believed me for years

    bless her

  9. I try not to remember my lies, that way I can not be asked did I lie.  

  10. Wouldn't you prefer to hear about the best lie I ever told,far more juicy.The worst one was useless.

  11. That I did better in my exams than I did

  12. Nothing that I can remember so I don't think I have.

    I cheated in one of my Uni finals though and never got caught.  

  13. That i'm a Bee. And people still keep asking me now, if i really am as busy as i say i am :)

    Erm Thumb Downer..I know who you are,If you don't stop being childish,,i'll spill the beans! :)

    LOL Aw Kev,, Sorry hun,,i'm not :(

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