
What is the worst reason you have ever heard someone give for liking/disliking a NASCAR driver?

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for me its

worst reason for liking somebody-- because of their dad

worst reason for disliking somebody-- their personality (as if it makes them less talented)




  1. Worst reason for liking: "he won the first race I ever watched"

    Worst for disliking: Because he drives a " (insert car make here).

  2. I like people who are smart which makes it hard to find likable people in NASCAR.

  3. Worst reason for liking somebody----Everybody else does, so do I. Or because he is winning, then they have a bad year and dump them and go to the next winner. (band wagoners)

    Or the best one of all, "He's the Bestest!!!"

    Worst for not liking somebody--- Because he wins too much, or he's ugly. (what does looks have to do with driving a car? I mean they have a helmet on!!!)

  4. worst reason for disliking somebody - their last name, whether it be wallace, earnhardt, busch, or worse, something "furrin' sounding."

    worst reason for liking somebody - i'm sure there are some bad ones out there, but i say, whatever floats your boat. as long as you are a nascar fan, welcome aboard.

  5. Yeah I think the worst reason for liking someone is because of his family name...nothing to do with how good or bad a driver he is.  And I too hate the ones that say "Oh I like him cause he is so cute...or hot...or tall etc..."  

    Like saying their voting for Obama because he danced on the Ellen show (I heard that in a line at the grocery store...)

    Worst for disliking someone...personality, attitude, winning, or if he was involved in a wreck regardless of how far he was from their favorite driver it was THAT hated drivers fault.  lol

  6. wow- i hear so many here everyday

  7. I think disliking somebody for their personality is a valid reason. Disliking somebody because they always win, or have big ears is pretty stupid, lol.

    Liking somebody because they win all the time is also stupid.

  8. If you don't like somebodies personality, why would you cheer for them on the track? That's a great reason for not liking a driver, but you truly need to get to know the driver not just how he comes across on T.V.- Liking someone because of their dad is pretty crazy but Dale Jr. is a good person and that comes across. I'm sure if he was a butt he would lose most of his fans.

  9. lets see rusty fans resond and not likeing him because hes not agressive ( lets see whos agressive umm kyle bush pocono when he spun dale and about every other race he didint win o wait coke 400 he spun there to)

  10. He wins to much, he took out Junior, and no one else can beat him. he makes racing boring. Thats what the Jr nation citizens say about why kyle busch sucks. what a nation of losers.

  11. i hate the poeple who dont watch the races and just watch sport center and then they talk smack about your driver and they say their driver is the one thats on fire and then they move on to the next . im a  dale jr fan. have been when he was a busch driver back in the ac delco car. i always have been a jr fan and always will be even tho he is  going through hard time s im proud to say im a loyal fan to the end

  12. worst reason for liking somebody- because of their dad

    worse reason for disliking somebody-they win too many races

  13. Worst for liking- I can't think of too many reasons, so I guess I'll go with you and liking somebody because of their dad (Dale Jr. mostly, know at least one person who like Kyle Petty for this reason though).  

    Worst for disliking- Jeff Gordon is g*y.  I've heard that so many times.  Where's the proof?  Who cares anyway?

  14. Worse for liking: Everyone else likes him, so do I. Or the ones that say "I like him because he's cute"

    Worst for disliking: He has big ears and bug eyes. (wonder who that is)

  15. the worst answer i got was, he always wins

    and the best is because he always wins.

    At least in Nascar you find out who are true fans, and who are Bandwagoners.

    The only reason I dont like Kyle Busch, honestly he reminds me of the Aliens that you used to find at Spincers or Hot Topic.  I find those things to be very creapy.  But I will say that the man can drive, no doubt about it.  At least this year anyways.

  16. obviously you are speaking about jr and kyle... and his personality doesn't affect his talent it just makes him one of the most hated drivers

    worst reason for liking somebody- because people hate them or someone hates them

    worst reason for disliking somebody- because my dad did or my family hates them then i have to too

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