
What is the worst that can come out of this?

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I am 24 and about to attend grad school. I live with my bf who is 34yrs. old. Parents don't know we live together but support me financially. They know of my bf but don't know how serious our relationship is. They do not approve of him because we are very conservative and traditional and he is not. He has had a tough life. I don't think this defines who he is. We have been dating on and off for about 7yrs. I am an adult and feel that I shouldn't be afraid to tell my parents about this important part of my life. I would like them to be apart of it. I don't want to disappoint them. I figure the worst that can come out of it is that they don't support me financially anymore but, my bf can more than afford to take care of us both while I finish school. We plan to marry and even start a family in 2-3yrs. I worry they will never accept them because of their strict views. Has anyone else been in this type of situation and what should I do?




  1. i dont know how much my answer can help you considering that im only 16. The worst that can happen is that your parents stop financing u and ur bf. But you bf can support you so that doesnt really matter. Just tell your parents of what is happening. If they really love you then they will accept what happens. But then again, my parents and i never got along =/. hope this helped

  2. How do you think they will react when they find out from someone else? You should be honest with them. You should have been honest from the beginning. I'd be pissed if my kid was taking my money and lying to me. I hate liars.

  3. be with the one you love

  4. Maybe you should finish school before upsetting the cart. Besides the financial aspect, you may not want to deal with unhappy parents and conflict while studying.  

  5. you must be honest with your parent.But the big question here is are you really not telling your parents  because you want their money.Sound like you want your cake and eat it too.your mom and dad will always be there for you.If you and your bf can afford it then you should do it on your on.

  6. I agree   KILL THEM

  7. I wouldn't worry about what anyone thinks.  If your happy and in love than that's all that counts.  If you guys can support each other then tell your parent's.  If you don't need their money then don't be afraid to invite them into your life.  There going to be more upset that you are hiding it from them.  If they don't accept them then that's too bad.  That's who you choose to be with.  They wont stay out of your life forever.  And when you have your children they will be there im sure.

  8. I think there's more to it as to why your parents don't like him. If your boyfriend can support you, your parents shouldn't be, if you two are living together. not being truthfull to your parents will only make them not like him more. take time and make sure your parents get to know him.

  9. no i have never been in a situation like that but i know people who have or heard about people who has. Just sit ur parents down and explain that u really like him and u think hes the one. and hope they understand. Talk to them out u and ur bf

  10. kill them

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