
What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you?

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What is the worst thing someone has ever said to you?




  1. That I was stupid and just plain trashy

  2. i dont love you the same way you love me

  3. When I tried to say we had a hard time communicating in a realtionship, he said, well, we really do have a hard time communicating.  And just left it at that.  And I made my mind up to quit trying.  That hurt.  It was just that simple.  Maybe why it was that bad.  But it is what it is. Better to know than to try for no reason.

  4. when a cop said drop the weapon half-breed. i wasn't carrying one, and i'm a caucasian of ukrainian descent. i also live in winnipeg a city famous for cops murdering those of first nations descent. they have murdered 4 so far this year the last 2 less than a week apart by date only a few blocks by location. the genocide has begun, AGAIN!

  5. I'm in love with you.

    But it's not exactly what was said that sounds bad, it's who said it.

    I won't go in to detail but basically it was said by a person you should NEVER here them say the words "I'm IN love with you".


  6. everything

    they always tell me nasty and bad things  

  7. that I am a fat bi*ch and that no guy will ever like me

    hahaha i weigh 50 pounds less than the girl who said it

    and i have had more boyfriends than her

    shes just a jealous w***e

    I guess

    we used to be friends until she started drama with me and my other friends and called us worst names and i stuff

    I just cant take girls like that

  8. My best friend of 17 years telling me that I wasn't a true friend.  That hit hard.  She apologized about it but that didn't stop her from doing it again without explaining why she thought that.

  9. some ***** said "Go suck yur mamma and yur granny! You are an uglyyy peice of **** and i will box you in yur face so suck out": This was over the internet and infact she is a total p***y who nobody likes.

    then she said, "******* **** **** **** ***** **** and cunting peice of **** who should just go and ******* **** herself. ugly ******* shitfaced hoe.

  10. that I was a poor excuse for a mother

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