
What is the worst thing that your spouse has ever done to you?

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Please tell me the worst thing that your spouse has ever done to you and describe how that made you feel and what was your response to their actions. Then, tell me what was the best thing that they have ever done to you or for you.

Thanks in advance!!




  1. He was talking to the mother of one of the women he was cheating on me with.  this woman didn't like me to begin with and rolled her eyes at me when I told him to hurry, like I was getting on her nerves, and we had just been in a fight not too long ago about his "friend" he'd been seeing.  I had just got done taking my ex somewhere in my car as he had no license.  I told him I was ready to go and he got mad and threw a iced down 32oz coke on me.  I took his stuff and threw them out of the car and drove off and left him there.  when he called later I came back and got him, but that really really made me mad.  

  2. worst thing.......believing someone else over me.

    best thing.....wanting me to be a stay at home mom for our daughter

  3. the worst thing my boyfriend of 5 years did to me was not call me and let me know he would not be home that night..he thought it would be too late to call and i was worried sick..I called his phone(it died and keep going straight to voicemail)I was thinking the worst...i was calling hospitals and jails..i even went so far as to wake my kids up and see if he would be working where he does quite often. which was 30 minutes away..I  had no sleep and got a migraine because of it...He owns his own business and when he is working, he is concertrating on that...he told me he was sorry!!! Also, went to jail for 25 days on a suspended license) and left me to care for the 2 kids and bills(I am a stay at home  mom).  the best thing he has ever done was care always...he always makes sure before he comes home if i need anything..brings me roses on a weekly basis

  4. The worst thing my husband does to me is allow his sister to treat me like she does. Not standing up to it makes her believe it’s okay. And it makes me feel like she’s more important than me. I also disagree with it because I don’t want my son or stepdaughter hearing the things she says and being involved in adult business. It’s hurtful to me that she feels as she does when I’ve done nothing but be good to her and her family. I will always consider this the “worst thing” until he does something to fix it.

    The best thing my husband has done is give my our little man. And a very beautiful little man at that!  :)

  5. Worse: "Loaned" $5,000.00 to her sister and never told me but kept harping on about "You need to work more overtime" when i was already pulling in an additional 32 hours a week. I almost killed her over that one. Oh..and her scumbag sister screwed with the cash, never to be seen again.

    Best: She left for 1 month to visit her father in Florida. Man...I could easily get used to that!

  6. my worst...he slept with my cousin for 8 mos, best...contributing to my babies lives.  

  7. the worst thing  was when he got hook on drug's it nearly destroy our marriage. 60 days was the lonest i have ever felt because we have never been apart like that. the best he went into rehab. and  when he got help and save our marriage and one more thing he stood by my side when i got very ill .so you see you can stand by the one you truly love if its meant. why don't you tell us your best and worst about you.

  8. The best was having my son, the worst was sharing her bun.

  9. The best thing my husband ever did for me was he gave me thousands of dollars...The man is loaded.

    The worst thing he ever did was take away my credit cards.

  10. I can tell you the worst thing my ex husband ever did. I was raped and he was having a very hard time dealing with that so he decided it would be easier if he could some how blame me. So he said 'I'm obligated to believe you but I don't'. My whole world dropped out with that one sentence. Our marriage never got over that. We got divorced two years later. It was a 9 yr relationship married for 6. It didn't matter how many apologies or how many times he said i didn't mean it. In that moment I lost that person who is supposed to stand behind you and always be there. The bottom really dropped out from under my feet. I felt very alone, and felt raped all over again.  

  11. The best thing he ever did was give me my son.  The worst thing he ever did was never meeting his son.

  12. Worse thing:  With holding s*x got fat and lazy

    Best thing:                                                                              ?

  13. Worst thing my wife ever did to me was withhold s*x for months at a time, knowing she is in total control of that and how much I crave s*x.

    Best thing was to have our son and be a great mother to him.

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