
What is the worst thing to ever happen in the history of mankind?

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What is the worst thing to ever happen in the history of mankind?




  1. Us humans! [Maybe aliens from some other planet are afraid of us]

  2. Eve giving Adam the apple to eat

  3. The first couple that I do with out signing a pre-nup. That and Reality TV Shows.

  4. Consumerism

  5. Organized religion. Note I said organized!!  I'm not an atheist or whatever, I just don't like churches or whatever.  Just look at what the Catholic church did during their witch hunt.  Thousands possibly millions of women were killed!  

    P.S.  They killed Copernicus and imprisoned Galileo!!!!

  6. There are so many, and many we don't know about of course.

    Off hand I would say the Holocaust, and it's still fresher in our minds. I did think the Adam & Eve thing was funny. They started it all.

  7. capitalism and industrialism.

  8. World War Two.

  9. Hitler..... enough said.

  10. The Holocaust

  11. A violent religion.

  12. The 20th Century. More than 200 million people were killed in violent conflict.

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