
What is the worst thing you've done to the opposite s*x?

by  |  earlier

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Before you ask(as if), mine is: When younger, friends and I would tie fishing line to purses and lay them out for someone to pickup in public. Of course, we would hide in the bushes and yank the purses when someone went to pick them up.




  1. I used to use my dad's epoxy glue and stick quarters to the side walk... It was so funny watching people try to pick them up.. Sometimes we would sit on the porch and watch and when they couldn't pick them up we would laugh... Then one day, my old neighbor (he was about 70) was walking his dog. He tried to pick up the quarter and he couldn't so he left... He came back about 5 minutes later with a crow bar and took my quarter...!!! We died laughing... People still tell that story 15 years later!

  2. I beat the h**l out of a woman with a bat because the day before she peppered sprayed me because I asked for the time.

  3. I brought my boyfriend home to meet my parents and while he was talking to them my parents had their backs to me so i gave him the finger as a tease. He chased after me and i got scared so i ran through my parents bathroom and without looking i slammed the door shut and only saw him at the last minute. I had jammed his finger in the door and after a couple of days he lost the fingernail.

    I have also kicked him in the shins due to my reflexes when he was showing me a martial art move and then i hit him in the balls while we were waiting in line at the movies. Thats the worst thing i have done to a male and i regret it but fun times

  4. Broke someons heart, I was about 11 at the time!

  5. When cooking him dinner at his place, I intentionally included an unopened mussel in his dish - which gave him food poisoning.  And when he was retching in the bathroom, I informed him of my action and let him know why I did it - and then left.  

    It had been an abusive relationship, and I had only just gotten the strength to accept that and move on.  But I guess, being young, I couldn't just leave it at that - and felt that I needed to get some revenge.  Stupid and childish?  Yes.  Would I ever do anything like that again?  No.  But I will also recognize the potential of abuse much sooner, and wouldn't find myself in that same situation....

    Sorry, Paul...

  6. Caused his face to turn 65 shades of white all in one go.

  7. divorced the fool and left him the house and our older son.  Come to think of it, that's the worst thing I did to my older son so I guess that's my answer.

  8. i told a girl dat she is ugly ! :[

    im different now, cuz dat was almost ten years ago !

  9. I punched a girl in the b***s when I was younger because she said a very racist comment to me.

  10. Just kicking them in the nads............I feel bad for it too! That was when I was young. I haven't done too many mean things that I can recall!

  11. I spit in the face of my ex after he grabbed me by the throat.

  12. I kicked a guy in the balls with a soccer ball because he said something really racist.

  13. I used to throw my cat at my brothers (in a fight) when I was younger so they would get scratched when the cat would try to hold on. I was a kid.  

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