
What is the worst thing you've ever wear as a kid?????

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for example, most kids hate top wear dresses, sweater, bunny costume, thick coats, snowsuits, etc.......




  1. Guest59238

     The worst things i ever wore was when i was 15 and recieved my sacrement of baptism and had to wear a poofy,white,midthigh length dress with a bonnet,lace anklets and white mary jane shoes.I had to wear a cloth diaper and plastic pants under the dress with a tee shirt as my top! I felt like a baby for the day.All the teen girls baptized with me that sunday had to wear the same outfit as i did.

  2. When I was ten my mom and her sister dressed me up like a girl for Halloween. We didn't have money to buy costumes so my girl cousin volunteered to go as a boy wearing some of my clothes. She also suggested that I could could go as a girl and wear her Easter dress. Thanks cuz, I still owe you for that!

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