
What is the worst thing you have done in a fit of temper?

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Shot your lawn mower because it wouldn't start? lol




  1. I was mad at my ex so I punched a concrete wall and shattered the bones in my fist and wrist.

  2. ripped a pillowcase

    and then felt really guilty because my grandma saw it and stitched it up

    and now the little pink pillow looks so sad  :(

    its a reminder of my gran

  3. Threw away my ex-husband's baseball that was autographed by Babe Ruth.

    I should get 10 points for that!

  4. Well, at least he hasn`t shot another human being. Let`s be thankful for that.

    I rarely lose my temper.

    But i was tempted to chuck my pc through the window, last year, when i was new to all of this and trying to keep up to speed with everyone else. But £500 is a lot of money. Lol.

  5. punch three holes in my wall and when someone tried to calm me down i broke his nose and his arm.

  6. I don't really do anything when i lose my temper accept get a bit huffy, judging by everyone elses answers i'm a bit abnormal.

  7. I gotta answer this one!

    He's from my city! =[

    What a shame! He's making Milwaukee look even more ridiculous! People are insane these days!

    I like the story though, it SO funny. And I haven't seen it on the news yet... =P

    What have I done that was overly insane? Umm... well I trashed up my uncle's apartment because he didn't buy me a PC game... I was 10 or 11 I think... I squashed bananas, threw wet toilet paper on the ceiling...dumped orange juice...disorganized his dishes...all that good stuff... =]

    Hope this helps...

  8. Threw a saucepan lol

  9. Said " Oh darn "

  10. Lol, that is funny!

    I was so angry the other day i crushed a grape.

  11. Thrown a little vase across the room. SMASH

  12. The worst thing I've ever done in that situation was beating the living Jesus out of my mother in 1998. She caused me to lose it by urinating on a flag my father had given to me at our first reunion in 1993. I had to burn the flag discretely in the garden.

  13. took a dump in a male horses mouth...oh wait that wasnt because i was angry

  14. Thrown a travel bag down the stairs.

    It was days later I realised my digital camera was in it! Ouch!!

  15. Bagged my foot from a negagigious angle. Look it up.


  16. Told my boss exactly what I thought of him.  It felt so good because I was right and I still feel proud of myself.  It wasn't the worst thing though, it was THE BEST. HA HA

    And, he couldn't do a thing about it without making himself look a right pr**k!!!!!

    Haz, Chill hols tomorrow,  We have the smurf between us, Lets squeeeeze it.  lol

  17. oooh spooky Q for me this...

    Last week Mr Haz broke the lawnmower, by being a lazy git and mowing over a peg instead of picking it up. GRR number 1.

    Monday Mr Haz 'broke' oven door by slamming it shut too hard. GRR number 2

    Two hours ago Mr Haz broke the garage door by pushing it up too hard ( like every tailgate on EVERY car we have ever had). We have just spent nearly 3 hours trying to fix it. GRR number 3.

    I am trying to pack for our hols tomorrow and I seriously want to punch his gormless gob so hard I can hardly breathe.

    Instead I am on here trying to calm down. I am having fantasy revenge moments such as giving him a wallop with a shovel. In between his eyes.

    Actually I feel a bit better already.

    Aurora-LOL! You do know that it will be blu-tack that we 'squeeeze' out?

  18. I insulted my son Thomas and for that he's living in Minnesota.

  19. punched my dad in  the head and gave him a bump, oops,

  20. Brilliant story - love it! And once again why members of the public should not be allowed to own guns!

    When I was three and my brother was two I kept teasing him cause he was a 'baby' for still having a dummy. One day I had a tug of war in our hallway and tried to pull it off him. Being a whole year older, and a bit smarter, I knew that if I pulled really hard then let go he'd fall over. So I did... and he shot backwards through the glass window in our front door. My mum found him sitting unharmed, but screaming and surrounded by broken glass on the front porch step. My dad gave me one h**l of a smack for that. It was a lesson at a very young age not to snap when angry... and my brother has had many free drinks off me throughout our adult lives by recounting that one in the pub (we're both now in our 30s - you'd think he'd have forgiven me by now!)

  21. Swear.... to myself.

    LOL, Americans solve everything with a gun...

  22. break a pencil

  23. ive broken a chair and ripped of wall paper!

  24. Not me lol. I just throw things around and shout a bit!

  25. screamed

  26. pulled a man out of his car (for nearly crashing into my car while my kids were in the car) and beat him to a pulp

  27. I threw the vacuum cleaner down the stairs when it refused to obey!

    I'm awful with inanimate objects.

    If they don't behave I will & usually do, trash it!

    It is my one & only bad habit.

  28. I refused to open the pod bay doors.

  29. Kicked a hole in my bedroom door when I was about 17.  Funny enough, it's never been fixed.  Now my parents are in that room.

  30. I will exercise my right to remain silent on this matter!!!!!!

    we are talking jail time  here lol

    the guy in the pic even looks American , nutters the lot of them

  31. I've only gotten that mad twice, and both times I punched holes in the wall...which then amazed me because I'm kind of a weany.

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