
What is the worst thing you have ever

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me. i work w toddlers. need i say any more.




  1. We have an area called "Sulphur Hill"  which continually emits a smell like rotten eggs!

    Walnut Creek, CA.

  2. Unfortunately, A friend of mine and I were on the river here about 10 years ago.  August day, hot as h**l.  Saw something wedged in the limbs of a tree that had fallen at the edge of the river.

    The smell of a bloated, rotting corpse is one I still can't get away from

    The man had been listed as missing for more than a week

  3. rotting oranges =[  

  4. Working for fast food. You have to deal with stupid, needy people on the daily basis especially when your boss is fat, ugly, stupid, and yell at you for no reason.

  5. Dry floaters and wet floaters. When you have to call the fire dept., the smell is bad. 1-3 days depending on how cool the body has been but after that all bets are off.  

  6. I suspect the worst thing I've smelled was either p-methylbenzaldehyde or o-hydroxybenzaldehyde but I'm not sure which one was the really bad one.

    Yes, I've done some Chemistry.

  7. Try going to the Hospital and going into terminal patients rooms.

    Nothing smells worse than death.

  8. My dog peed in the corner of my bedroom & it was putrid when I finally found it.

  9. I briefly worked in a sewage treatment plant.  The facility itself was relatively new, the technology overwhelming to a technogeek like me, and the overall process managed so well that you wouldn't know what they did if you weren't told.  Deep inside the complex, there was one room, a thickener (edit: I had previously referred to it as a digester, that's another vat in the process, equally vile, but not as discreetly tucked away within the bowels of the plant), that resembled a very large swimming pool filled with mud.  Looking through a door with a very thick window, you couldn't smell a thing.  Once that door opened, the stench was, well, imagine the worst porto-san you've ever encountered, multiply by the largest exponent you can get your mathematical mind around, and you'll have a reasonably accurate idea of the smell.

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