
What is the worst trip you ever had on shrooms or acid?

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I've never seen little green men or whatever when I tripped. I just saw everything in a different way and more clear or vivid.. I'm wondering if anyone has ever tripped any harder than that?




  1. h**l yes. I trip out crazy a few times. to me shroom trips are wilder than acid, but acid is more fun. u proba bly didn't trip to hard because u had a small dose. my first acid trip was just like yours, but i only had one hit. if you take a bunch of caps, or drop 2 or 3 hits of acid you WILL see little green men and everything else you can think of.

  2. I have done a lot of parting pre/post college...I did acid approx. 3 times and it was the BEST HIGH I every experienced, so good after the 3rd time I acutally stopped getting high all together for the simple fact I did not want to become addicted.  It made me feel, so in touch with everthing/everyone around me, I felt like I was speeding, but at the same time everything else was in slow motion, but I felt at piece like I was in utopia.  All external sounds, vibrations, and images seemed more clear/enhanced. It kept me awake for 2 days each trip.  It is a totally different high from coke, meth...I have had similar experiences with hash.  Can't kind anymore! :) life sucks

  3. Well from one Shar to another.. I was in my early 30s and wanted to impress my bf.. so I took the shrooms. Now I am not one for drugs.. never have been.. but I thought to get along with him I would try it. We were sitting watching tv and watching a docu about elephants. All of a sudden those elephants seemed to be in the living room! THEN.. I got nauseated, stomach cramps, etc. I had to go to Emergency.. a worse night I have not had since. I learned my lesson. I do remember the nurse in ER telling me "Hon, If you think you need to do that to impress him, he isn't worth it!" Never tried it again.

  4. omg i had a really weird one on shrooms the acid was more fun. 'shrooms made the wallpaper move, the road turned into a purple cartoonish river and the cat wouldnt come near me. sorry i would never do that again!

  5. Hundreds of acid trips and I never had a bad trip. I think if you have a weak mind you have bad trips

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