
What is the worst vacation you ever took?

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  1. A road-trip from East Tennessee to Yellow Stone national park. We made it to Nashville, then the air-conditioning went out in the van. We went back and got it fix. We set out again and made it all the way to Memphis when there was a tornado that knocked out the city power grid. We spent two hours looking for a hotel that had an avalible room.

    Farther out, we got dusted by a pesticide spraying plane and got horribly ill (think stomach flu). After spending the night taking turns in the bathroom, we set out again.

    After two more days of travel, we stopped again. It was storming something horrible, so we were sprinting towards the hotel doors; lightning struck about five feet from us hitting a light pole. We all about **** our pants.

    The next day, our good camera got stolen and my grandmother dropped/lost her cellphone.

    The day after that, while in the middle of the desert, our van blew up... (okay, not really, but the engine did catch fire.) I got sprayed in the face with the fire-extinguisher while my brother tried to put the fire out. The chemicals left me splotched and itchy for days.

    We met a nice guy named Bubba (i kid you not) and we bought a new van from him and changed it on our Visa card.

    Finally, we made it to the park; and our air conditioner went out again. After that, we just gave up and went home... That went oddly well, aside from the fact the van was 130 degrees and we were all the way on the other side of the country...

    THAT was the worst vacation of my life... national lampoon enough for ya? :/

    To say the least, i don't go on road-trips any more.

  2. a tour in New England with a bunch of chinese people. NEVER DO THAT! Its a nice price but they are so mean and rude! Hacking and coughing without covering their mouths. smoking in the tour bus and they have bad additudes. please for your health adn emotion state against chinese people, never go on tours with chinese people!!!

  3. never had a bad vacation - but bad things happen on every vacation.

    The good vacations we forget --  the weird stuff makes memories

  4. When i went to Morocco.

  5. Everyone I ever been on with my mom. She takes of to Washington D.C. and leaves us in the hotel alll day!!! We go see all of the attractions after there closed or near closing time. >.< I coulda stayed at home!

  6. as a kid i always went on holidays up the central coast,sun,beach,lakes,sailing,fishing was great.

    then when i married,i wanted to take my kids away,and my hubby said okay.well he didnt want to stay at the same place i went to as a kid,he said it cost too much,so he arranged somewhere out of the area,and it was the worst place,bugs,cockroaches,and we had to bring our own food+linen was a cheap nasty caravan park,all to save a few bucks,as the cabins i liked he said were over priced.

    well,he+i never had a holiday together after that,but i always did with the kids,and we had great times.

  7. went camping with best friend at favorite camp ground with new tent and gear.  it rained all weekend - non-stop - I remember small streams of water flowing under us.  By late sunday am, we rapidly got out of the tent, threw all our wet gear in his the trunk of his plymouth roadrunner and drove home 40 minutes in the pouring rain, and promptly left the stuff in the trunk until it stopped raining tuesday.

  8. the one behind bars...blah.

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