
What is the worst workplace behavior?

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I have a coworker that annoys me to no end. Smacks gum, about kills the keyboard when typing, eats chips and such extremely loudly, gets personal calls all the time(at least 3/hr), pawns work to other after socializing for way too long.

Do I have it bad, or is there worse?




  1. passing gas and using profanity.

  2. Not carrying your load. I used to work with this man who would take 45 minutes to go down stairs to get a cup of coffee. Then go back to get paper or some other supply and be gone an hour. I timed him one day, and he was gone over 4 hours. I got tired of covering for him. Luckily I was able to move to another section.  He eventually quit.

  3. There must be one of those everywhere -- I have a co-worker just like that here, and I can remember having co-workers who fit that mold almost to a T at my last two jobs...

  4. That is pretty bad, but mostly obnoxious if he or she has no bad intentions and is just lazy/rude.  I think something worse would be someone who has bad intentions and talks down to everyone, tries to be their boss when she is their peer, and creates a hostile work environment by badmouthing other workers extremely harshly, and upbraiding people for doing things that they were assigned to do.

    No, I'm definitely not talking about anyone I work with at all!  (I wish she should retire already D:)

  5. i dunno.  my boss swears up and down he does all this work - but gives it to all the admin to do it for him.  then he claims he works from home, when his job is to TALK face to face with clients of which i'm sure are not at his home.  he also arrives to work two hours late and leaves no less than an hour and a half early...

    ...does that count?

  6. Talking too loud and eating smelly food at their desk (ie boiled eggs, tuna, etc - YUK)

  7. I used to work for a man who would constantly stare at women's chests.  He even nicknamed a clerk in the Tax Dept. "Ms. Goodbody".  He told dirty jokes all the time, and would get ANGRY if anyone even slightly suggested that he was being sexist.  He also picked his nose all the time, disgusting.  And he would rummage through my desk and purse when he wanted a snack.  I complained to Human Resources, they removed me from his department, and moved me right across the hall from him.  Then, he would loudly talk to people in his office, in the hall, and tell them how some people were back stabbers, and all backstabbers should be lynched, how all backstabbers were going straight to h**l.

    I put up with that for a little over a year, then the company demoted him and moved him 140 miles away.

  8. I'm a loud typer (especially when I am getting frustrated with something at work).  You and your fellow coworkers need to tell the socializer that they need to do their own work.  When they fall behind, the boss will start taking notice.  In fact, you may want to bring up the personal calls now to your boss.  (Bring another coworker or two for back-up.)

    I think coworkers who are just dirty in general (pick their nose, sniff real loud, don't wash their hands after eating or using the bathroom) are the most disgusting.

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