
What is the yearly total revenue of the U.S. government?

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What is the yearly total revenue of the U.S. government?




  1. the Government took in $ 2,518,680,000,000 from 168,808,955 tax returns in 2006.

    Borrowing from the Federal Reserve under Bush the National debt has increased dramatically to a staggering 168,808,955 trillion dollars


    On a per capita basis the total national debt amounts to $516,348 for every U.S. household!

    By means of comparison, the average American household owes $112,043 for mortgages, car loans, credit cards and all other debt combined.

    According to Republican Steve Forbes, a proponent of the flat tax, if the extreme tax breaks for people making over one and half million dollars a year were modified so that everyone paid the same flat tax then the United States Government would generate the same tax moneys with a tax structure that gave everyone the first $45,000 tax FREE, and everything above that was capped at 15%.

    Does that plan help you tax wise?

    If it does benefit you than that means that you are making less than one and a half million a year.,

    Sorry about going on this lengthy tirade

    but it rankles me how a President that is supposed to serve all the people ends up stealing from the poor and middle class to feed the greed of his Billionaire buddies.

  2. Cash on hand or borrowed?

  3. All US Government revenue is generated by Barrowing from the Federal Reserve...check into the GOP reports.

  4. Revenue?


    we are in the red my friend.

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