
What is the young one of a bee called?

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What is the young one of a bee called?




  1. A young bee is called a larva

  2. Drone fertilizes queen (he is no longer needed as one fertilization sufficies for all eggs)

    Queen lays eggs

    Eggs hatch into larvae

    Larvae are fed by workers

    Larvae pupate

    Pupae open and adult bee emerges

    Depending on what larva were fed, adult can be a drone, queen, or worker.

    This is complete insect metamorphosis and is the same as this for ants and termites.

  3. Larva. The adult bee emerges from the honey sac.

  4. A bay-Bee!

  5. A bee is born as an egg; when it hatches, it is a soft, worm-like creature called a larva. As it matures, it surrounds itself with a shell and becomes a pupa. Once it hatches from the pupa, it is an adult bee.

  6. Beelet

  7. A young bee is called a larva plurall is larvae.

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