
What is the youngest Planet to join our solar system???

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Jupiter? Satern? Mercury? Venus? Mars? Neptune? Pluto?

Anyone know?

really curois.




  1. if you mean by when they were discoverd then pluto was discoverd in 1930 because it was so faint in those days they needed a huge telescope to capture hours of light to make it at least be a spec let alone to notice its unusual motion to prove it was a planet


  3. well obviously the most massive one i.e. Jupiter should have formed first. because of the higher gravitational pull.

  4. It is thought that all the planets formed at the same time, ever the last one to be discovered, (in, or around, 1930) which is thought to be Pluto.  New Horizon is on it's way to Pluto, to "study" the planetesimal, cause it is now said that Pluto isn't really a planet, but a dwarf planet, due to the fact that the word "planet" was reclassified, by the governing body of the universe, that include astrophysicists, astronomers, and other scientists.

  5. k well...its impossible to kno really..

    however the current theory goes that all our planets where made around the same times...but that doesnt mean there are no younger or even older planets in another solar system.

    and we may catch another planet in our gravitational pull, that may join the planet to our solar system, and could be younger, ...but not that we have found to date, that we know of.

  6. It is believed that all the planets in the Solar System formed at about the same time, and the Sun as well.  The age of the Solar System is about 4.5 billion years.

  7. No one really can tell, how long does it take to form a gas giant and how long does it take to form a rocky planet?

  8. All the planets formed at the same time from the solar nebula.  We haven't 'caught' any; it doesn't really work that way.  Pluto (not a planet) was discovered last, if that's what you mean.  Neptune before Pluto.

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