
What is the youngest age a child can be christened?

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What is the youngest age a child can be christened?




  1. As soon as possible.. Eventho there is no real age..

  2. There's no age really.  In the old days, weak newborns and premies were often christened straight away so they would go to Jesus should the worse happen.  It's a religious thing.

    Often we do it at around 6 months or one year of age as it makes the whole ceremony and after-party easier to deal with.  My great cousin was christened at nearly 2 year-old and he was so cute in his little suit and white tie.  He behaved really well too.

    It's a matter of personal choice.

  3. I know with catholics it can be any time after birth. The sooner the better.

  4. as soon as you want them too right after there born

  5. In a catholic church you can do it when they are newborns, as early as you want.  That's the most precious time to do it.

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