
What is the youngest age you can be to adopt a child?

by  |  earlier

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btw- i am only 18, andnot looking to have a baby/adopt, I just wanted to know.




  1. 21 in the states but different agencies require older as do some other countries.

  2. Most agencies say 25.

  3. I believe most places you have to be at least 21 and sometimes older.  But since you are so young I have to ask you a question.  Why at 18 do you want to adopt a baby? Is it because you are lonely or maybe you feel empty in a way.  If so I would suggest trying to resolve these issues without involving a child because there are many things that are involved in raising a child that are unplannable and are very expensive.  I just find it hard to believe that at 18 your are fully ready and financially stable enough to have or adopt a child.  If you are then more power to you because I am 24 and married and have a great full time job as does my husband and we aren't quite there yet.  Not trying to put you down just wanting to give you something to think about.  

    Whatever you decide, Best of Luck.

  4. In many states, you can adopt the child of a family member and the child of your best friend at 18.  Otherwise, it is 21.

    Yes, I know some of you will wonder about the child of a best friend. It is completely at the judge's discretion and many will allow it unless that best friend is otherwise unfit.  In this case, however, the mother has indicated her preference for her friend to adopt the child - it's not just out of the blue.

  5. Usually 21 but some places require even older. Dear friends of mine tried adopting internationally and were rejected by several places for being under 30. I ended up being a surrogate for them instead.

  6. Legally you are only federally required to be 18 years old to adopt. Good luck trying to pass a home study at that age though! =D

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