
What is the youngest you can be in your opinion to have kids?

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i know alot of people have different opinions on how old you should be i was just wondering what you guys thought




  1. around 20.

    my mom got married at 20 and had me at 21. i'm 16 now and everything is fine! :)  

  2. At the very youngest - 18. At least by then you have finished high school.

  3. 12

  4. Well if you look at it from a physical point of view, it would be around 12 years old

    Otherwise, I guess it's whenever you are financially secure and in a loving relationship

  5. 24 is a good age

  6. I don't think it matters how old you are. I think you should be financially independent and with a home of your own - and that you'll still be financially independent and able to fund your home even with the extra costs of a child. If that's 19, then 19 is old enough. If you're 25 and your parents still pay all your bills, then 25 is too young.

  7. I think 20's.

    I fell pregnant at 16 and miscarried and now looking back i think it was a blessing, i wouldnt of been able to bring a child up!

    I had my baby #1 last july 07 at the age of 23 and am now currently pregnant with baby #2 and am due 3/7/09 and i will be 24!

    Everyones views will be totally different on this, and each to their own :)

  8. 16-17 YOUNGEST!

    but it depends on the maturity of the person.

  9. I tell my kids after you finish college you can get married and then you can think about kids. Very young girls can have babies but that does not mean they should. We were in our mid 20's when we started and we will encourage our kids to do the same or similar. I also think if the perfect scenario does not happen you can manage. I have seen many people do it but the rewards are a little different. You will be young when they are out of the house. Remember the instant you have a child the focus immediately moves from you to your child and that focus will not change for years if it ever does.  This means if you are very young you may give up some life goals to be a parent.  

  10. Urm, i don't think age is a problem to have kids as long as they're mature enough and financial independent.

    Raising a kid needs a lot of money and attention, so even someone may be mature at 16 i don't think it's the right time to have a kid yet.

    For my opinion I'll go for 21 because if they're married, they got both incomes from wife and husband, if they're not, they still can go out to work to bring up the baby.

    I, myself married on 21 and gave birth to a baby boy on 22. He's going to be 1 year old soon. Though it's a bit financially tight, we still manage to cover and give the best to our baby.

  11. i would say 18,legal adult

  12. Technically, You can have a baby anytime you have gotten your period and are sexually active. I think that inside you know when you are ready to have a child and you are the only one who can decide that. I had a friend who had her daughter at 14 and she is now nearly 17 and is a fantastic mother! I chose to have my first at 17 and my 2nd at 18 and now am having my 3rd at 21... whereas my sister is 23 and chooses not to have children at all.

    Age doesnt really come into it... its when your "ready" and able!

  13. when you have a good supportive family including partner., and you have alot of patience. if your single and have  poor family ties it may never be a good time.

  14. I think mid 20's is a good time for most people. It takes until around then for many people to work through their identity issues and feel they really know themselves. Not that I imagine anyone younger than that would agree. I probably wouldn't have. :)

    I think those growing up in religious families who still adhere to that religion would probably be ready sooner, since their religion is such a large part of their identity.

    I don't think anyone should be having kids until they have finished high school and are in a long term, stable relationship. I think each year of living together is worth about 4 if you aren't, in terms of the rate of getting to know each other. I think people should have lived together at least a year before concieving a child; though obviously religious people won't do that. They're situation is a bit different to the secular population I think, as they get support from their church community and most of us don't get much support from anyone. So, I guess early 20's is about as young as I think people should go, but I still have respect for teenage parents who actually do parent their kids. I have none at all for those who palm their kid off to their own parents and spend their single parent pensions on updating their mobiles.

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