
What is the youngest you can be to get a part time job?

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im 14 years old and i asked a person at a feed company if i could have a job there helping load the feedbags and hay. i told him i was 14 years old and he said i had to be 16. but i read a poster at a 4-H state conference and it said you could be 14 years old and have a job as long as it wasnt dangerous. im confused by what the guy said and what the poster said. the guy is kinda old so he might have been thinking info back when he was my age. i need some clarification. btw i live in america.




  1. the legal age is 14..................

    there are numerous restrictions on the hours you can work as well as the jobs you can do. working in a feed store is not allowed due to the type of work. if they had a job that did not involve lifting sacks of feed and hay they probably could hire you but.................................

    then there is the matter of policy.  the person at the feed store may simply have been stating their policy. many employers will not hire those under 16 not because of the law but just because of policy.

    for all the info you need about being employed such as hours you can work, number of hours each week, jobs you can do and work-permits if needed go to:


    You can work in an:


    grocery store,

    retail store,


    movie theater,

    baseball park,

    municipal park,

    amusement park, or

    gasoline service station.

    just to name a few ideas...............

    You generally may not work in:

    communications or public utilities jobs,

    construction or repair jobs,

    driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver,

    manufacturing and mining occupations,

    power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines,

    processing occupations,

    public messenger jobs,

    transporting of persons or property,

    workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed, or

    warehousing and storage.

  2. I think it depends on the job. For some its sixteen for some its 15. The feed company probably had an older limmet beacause they dont want young people getting hurt (they dont care about the older ones lol)

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