
What is the yummiest thing to put into scrambled eggs?

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What is the yummiest thing to put into scrambled eggs?




  1. Since scrambled eggs doesn't give anything of a 'spice' or 'salt' - flavour if you like you might want to try out: Bacon, ham, salt or pepper, ketchup or anything that will give it a flavour kick

  2. grated cheese and ham. i also think pineapple would be nice too! mmmmmmmmmm...pineapple goes with everything.

  3. Cheese or smoked salmon.

  4. Green chili pepper, tomatos, and spring onion (makes a great mexican scrambled egg) and top with some salsa.

  5. I'm a purist, I really just love scrambled eggs seasoned with salt and pepper (and if it's a special occasion, made with a tablespoon or two of heavy cream). But if you're really looking for something to add in, baby spinach is absolutely delicious.

  6. Well, when you are whipping them, add a spoonful of sour cream. You won't taste that part, but they come out much fluffier.

  7. onions, chopped green chilli and coriander....perfect  

  8. pepper

  9. Do you have to ask questions like that when I am really hungry! Can't get to the shops as I have workmen renovating my flat. Now I can't think of anything but scrambled eggs on buttery toast!! How about cheese or tomatoes or even onions?

  10. oragano and a little black pepper

  11. Mushrooms

  12. French beans are good. Or a few drops of anchovy essence on the toast under the scrambled eggs.

  13. i always put cheese and black pepper in it and it goes all soft and yummy. if im being really unhealthy i use butter in a pan to cook the eggs half way, add the cheese and black pepper and take off the heat but keep stirring until you get them the way you like them. mmmmm yummy

  14. salt & pepper are necessary for me...i also like onions, bacon, cheese, ketchup, bbq sauce...also, this will sound weird, but eggs with salt & pepper taste GREAT with syrup! yum! :-)  you could also cook chopped up potatoes with them for something heartier, i did that this morning & it was really good!

  15. slices of mattersons smoked sausag,or a cheaper alternative and tastes great tinned hotdogs slice up,aso cheese gos without saying,or mushrooms. yummy lol you made me hungry.

  16. smoked salmon...yes!!!

  17. Tomato, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, ham, sharp cheddar cheese. Salt and pepper of course, and you want to scramble them in real sweet cream butter. Mmmmmmm

  18. Double cream and chopped up smoked salmon.


  19. Salt, pepper, onions, a lil bit of garlic and cheese. Oh, don't forget heaps of bacon! That's how we make it at home! =D

  20. Turnip

  21. Either cheddar cheese stirred in at the end and cooked slightly so it melts, or smoked salmon and cream cheese.

  22. crispy bacon.

  23. very few can make a scrambled egg well most common ingredients are salt, black pepper,cheese eggs of course and the choice is yrs for ham or bacon etc

  24. Little salt and pepper.

  25. My personal favorites: Swiss cheese, mushrooms, diced onions and green peppers. A little bit of salt.

    My personal failures: peanut butter, lemonade, and fried chicken.

  26. i love putting scrambled eggs on a flour tortilla with cheese (and sometimes bacon or sausage)....

    talking bout good good good!

  27. Caviar and truffle oil

  28. For me, the nicest has to be to fry off a some chopped bacon, mushrooms, tomato and spring onion.

    Add the beaten egg and scramble away.

    Just delicious served on hot buttered toast.

  29. Try it with spinach.  Tastes like you've put marijuana.

  30. cheese, onion, bacon, shalotts (better stop there or it's starting to turn into an omelette!)

  31. Mushroom, salt, pepper, pepperoni and in the end, top it off with a little bit of mozzarella  

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