
What is the zip code for Guatemala?

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¿Cual es el ZIP code de Guatemala?




  1. There are 22 municipalities  in Guatemala (similar to U.S. States) and many of them have different zip codes. Being such, the answer depends on where you are trying to send something.

    Cities are divided into zones, each of which has avenues (avenidas) running north-south, and streets (calles) running east-west.  Most are numbered, and unless you first get into the correct zone, you could be hopelessly lost.  In modern Colonias, with winding streets, they may substitute Manzana and Lote (Block and Lot), or sometimes use those designations during development and until avenidas and calles are defined with numbers.

    If you want Guatemala City (which is the capitol and largest city) the code is 01014.

    Also, looking at my source website may help.

  2. emJRN is right except the states in Guatemala are called departments (departamentos).  Cities or counties are municipals (municipales), of which there are 331 in the country and each one has one or more codigo postales.  Guatemala City has twenty some itself.   If you know the address go to and you can find the zip.

  3. Actually, Guatemala does not have zip codes. They do have zones however but if you are trying to send a package or a letter from the united states to Guatemala the post office or carrier such as UPS will not require a zip code because they technically do not have one.

  4. Postal codes are organized by department, then by zone. For instance, if the location is in the department of Guatemala (01), Zone 7, the code is 01007.

    This link, although not official, lists the postal codes by number of department:


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