
What is there for a soldier to spend large amounts of money on in Iraq?

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My husband is stationed in Camp Taji and I just found out that he spent over $1200 last month. This is only his second month there. What could he be spending this on and is there some way I can put a stop to it? I am currently 6 months pregnant and not working so this doesn't leave me nearly enough money to pay the bills, let alone save anything for the baby's nursery. I cannot see what he is spending the money on exactly because he puts it on an Eagle Cash card (He forgot his debit card at home when he left). I have confronted him about the spending in June when he spent around $600. He is not being honest with me and tells me he hasn't pulled out very much money when I ask him, until I confront him because I have seen our bank statement. This makes me worried that he is spending it on prostitution, even though I really trust him (or trusted him before I found out about the $1200). He is a very moral person and always gets extremely pissed when he finds out about another soldier cheating on their spouse so I really don't think he would be spending that money on women. I don't really know what I should think about this or do if he continues to spend this amount of money each month. We are going to be in serious debt!




  1. $1,200 would buy him an entire harem in Iraq.

  2. If he is a good man as you say he is, here is what he is probably doing:  He has seen first hand the utter poverty the Iraqis live in day to day.  Most have no shoes, a big splurge is a group of fresh figs, they literally have nothing.  They wear the same clothes every day because they take the time wash them every night.  If he has befriended some Iraqis he may be spending money on them - buying them soap for instance, or even a shirt or flip flops.    I spent $300.00 on a group of men who had worked with me and who literally had nothing - I don't suspect that he is doing anything wrong - certainly not prostitution - but he may be buying video games or something like that.  - Good luck to you.

  3. Gambling prob. Drugs are cheap there even prescription type, pros would prob get stoned to death if found out (keep in mind still a muslin country). Calmly ask him don't go off the deep end when talk this will get you nothing but grief, good luck hope you two work it out.


  4. You're blowing this waaaaaay out of proportion.  He's not spending it on prostitutes - they are hard to come by and it doesn't happen hardly at all.  Gambling maybe, but highly doubtful it would be that much money and there's a big risk of getting caught.  More then likely he bought things at the BX - you can get laptop computers, (which would be the full amount right there), stereo's, hardrives, sometimes TV's, most people buy a lot of DVD's, could have picked up a next backpack, camelback, PT gear, the list goes on and on.  Stop worrying that he is spending this on illegal activities.  He might even be buying stuff for Iraqi's if he's out on patrol a lot.  You have much bigger trust issues in your marriage then what is healthy.  Get some counseling for yourself - there should be someone you can go to on base.

  5. DVD's, Video Games, Extra equipment from PX, and food (generic Pizza Hut, McDonalds, etc...)! Give him a break, he is at war!

  6. It may not be as bad as you think. When you first get to Iraq or Kuwait, you do spend on things to make your life comfortable. Its a big garage sell from the departing unit. TV's, rugs, underwear, game stations, and toiletries all add up your first two months. After that the saving comes. I remember spending a lot of money my first 2 months, and then the spending dropped to the occasional burger king, pizza hut, or ice cream in Iraq.

    There is no way he is spending on prostitution this early, it takes a few months to figure how that works and its not worth it. ........

  7. I seriously doubt that any of the other people who answered your question have any tie to the military.  All of their answers fit the horrible stereotypes that are given to soldiers by ignorant persons.  I am in the Army and have been deployed, and I can guarantee that we don't have access to prostitutes in Iraq or Kosovo.  Even if a soldier wanted to purchase one, he is never outside the wire by himself.  The NCO on patrol would not allow someone to leave it for debauchery.  The only access to prostitution is the trip to Qatar during mid-tour leave, if he doesn't come back stateside.  

    Most likely your hubby is spending his money on XBOX games, TVs, Burger King, or other PX merchandise.  AAFES makes a killing in Iraq b/c they literally have a captive market.  I have seen soldiers purchase several games or DVDs at a time just b/c of the larger sum of money that they receive.

    Don't assume there is some kind of immorality; it's too easy to assume the worst.  

  8. I hate to say it but it just might be gambling, drugs or even prostitutes.

  9. Many soldiers become addicted to drugs, gambling. It's because all time they live under such pressure and nervousness, not knowing if the next day they are still alive or coming back home in a box, so they need ways to "escape" from this cruel reality.

  10. The short answer here is nothing.  If he is spending that much it isn't at the clubs or bars down town, there are none.  Contact him and tell him to grow up and take care of business as he's going to be a daddy soon.  Good luck to you.

  11. Poker, tvs and electronics.

    If he's taking out Casual Pay is sometimes comes out in one lump sum.

    This happened to my friend. She had to call her husband's chain of command. That's what I would do. You should budget some play money for him in an amount you agree on.

    He's probably losing his mind. They all do stupid stuff because of the stress.

  12. There are ways as a spouse you can make sure he is sending money home, but really they will look horrible on your husbands part.  I don't think it would be prostitution.

    When my hubby first gets down there he always spends more $$ because he has to get himself settled in, get a coffee pot, bedding, etc.  There are a lot of soldiers that load up on the movies and games while they are there.  

    Before you take a serious course of action talk to him about it.  Have him keep track of how much he is putting on the eagle card.  If he writes down every time he may see how much money he is spending.  He may not realize how quickly it adds up.

    Good luck!

  13. Chicks and gambling. If he makes it a point to get mad because soldiers are cheating that just means he is doing it to cover up the fact he's cornholeing every hooker out there

  14. As noted above it sounds like gambling to be honest and if he is losing that much he is not very good at it.  Poor gamblers lose then start trying to win back what they lost; usually they just lose more and  then get even moe of a risk taker to win that back.  Yes played a little poker while in the Marines and yes made some money off of poor gamblers, risk takers and those trying too hard to get even.  Some one will point out gambling is against service regulations and the UCMJ and I would add so is cussing but that has never stopped either one of them from happening.

  15. Tell him now no more money, we were military for years he doesn't need that much, only a small amt. in the beginning.. He would have to have a close walk with Jesus every day to  maintain morality in the mideast, or Korea, etc.

  16. It is most likely gambling, not women. Talk to him one more time and explain for the sake of your coming child and the bills, he must get his life together. The next step should be having a lawyer send a letter to his CO. Failure to provide for dependents can get him kicked out, but they will always order him treatment before anything that drastic.

    He is likely lonely, afraid and not thinking clearly. A wake up call is usually enough.

  17. I doubt Iraqi call girls cost that much and let's give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I agree, $1,200 is a lot when you get free housing (tents) and food and drinks by the military. I guess they could buy candy and sodas, but that doesn't account for $1,200. Have you considered maybe he likes to gamble? People spend a fortune on gambling, like poker and stuff.

    The best thing is to have a positive line of communication and simply ask him to be honest with you about the money. Explain to him how tight funds are at home and if he would at least accept an allowance for side stuff, like $200 a month for cookies and sodas and the rest to cover the expenses at home. You're married, so work at a team to solve this problem together. Finances are the number one reason for divorce in America, so don't let this come between you guys. Best wishes.

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