
What is there for me?

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my name is keith im 18 years old and i sometimes feel like their is nothing left for me i smoke weed sometimes to surpass my stress but its not enough i play basketball everyday and thats all i do i hate working knowing that im making nothing that can satisfy my needs i try to get a girlfriend but i always end up s******g it up i just came out of jail and my mind is still solitaired i need serious rehabilitaion




  1. I'm so glad you are asking this question. It shows that you want to turn your life around. Now that you have made that decision you can do it. Wanting to is sometimes the hardest step.

    If you just got out of jail you are probably seeing a probation officer. Your best bet is to ask him what you can do to further your education and get a decent job. Its his job to help you stay out of trouble and I'm sure he or she would be thrilled to help you.

    Did you graduate from high school or get your GED? If you haven't, that should be your first step. If you have, then you should contact a college and speak to someone there. They have tests they can give you that help you find possible careers you would enjoy that fit your abilities.  I know more school probably sounds like a nightmare but I've heard from many people who have gotten their GED that its not nearly as hard as being in school. It also helps to know you are working toward a goal and aren't just studying because someone told you to.

    As for making your life better, you need to stop hanging out with losers who want to smoke weed and hang out. It sounds mean to tell you to avoid your friends but you need to realize they will keep trying to get you to do the same things you have been doing with them. Once you get into a college or vocational school you will find people who are interested in the same things you are. You can enjoy hanging with them and discussing things that interest you. I think you will feel much better about yourself and your future.

    Good luck. I'll be praying for you.

  2. dear Keith,

    dont give up

    God has a plan for you

    yeah you might have screwed up a bit

    but its not the end

    just keep on fighting

    if you can

    and i know its hard

    dont smoke weed anymore

    maybe it can clear your head

    and youll realize that working is fun

    living life is so great

    dont let it get the best of you

    and waste it all for nothing

    you can do so many things

    you are special and wonderful

    there are so many things you can do to get rid of stress

    im sure you can find a hobby thats clean and so fun youll want to have it around forever

    maybe collecting stuff or something

    you know you dont really need a girlfriend

    its no competition

    when a girl sees that you value your work

    and love life

    then a girl will come to you thats well worth

    just take baby steps

    you can do it

    i know you can

    my pleasure! :D
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