
What is there for teenagers to do around town?

by  |  earlier

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Like in their neerest town. We normally do stuff like grab a pizza or go cinema but I was wondering If their was anything else we could do. We don't have that much money but we do have enough to go bowling and stuff.




  1. Go to the beach


    Go Karting

    Bouncy Castle  

  2. Scissor your friends

  3. music.


    bike riding,


    just walk and talk.

    be creative.

    idk.. make up some wierd crazy things to do.

    thats what me and my friends do,



  4. get boozed up and knife people

  5. if its sunny get some music food and drink and have a pinic in a park or on a beach or even in some ones garden  

  6. Rob old ladies? Haha!

    Well that would be the first thing I'd suggest [Saracastic.]

    Me and my friends... We like to go to the mall... Look around, watch out for guys. Shop a little. And before we leave go get pedicures and manicures. :]]]

  7. steal house for sale signs!

    lol just kidding. inside joke there.

    well, you sound like you have it made. In our town, we don't have a movie theatre or bowling alley or anything. We have a Pizza Hut, but the people who work there....well, let's just say they're not very smart.

    How about a craft project? Like you could make posters or burn CDs or something. Or y'all could do a trading spaces kind of thing. Swap houses and re-arrang each others rooms. That's always fun.

  8. my mates and I play some football

    for a girl umm..

    well my sister goes shopping

    you could go



    or just hang out..  

  9. I have the exact same problem..

    Here is what we do :)  ---

    ->Fires  (if you live out of town)


    ->Jump on a trampoline :)

    ->Bike somewhere

    ->Go to the Store

    ->Movies (cinema or home)

    ->Make video's for youtube and such...

    ->Bake something!




    (can't really think right now XD)

    Hope it helps!

    <3 Beccah Melecka

  10. Buy some beer with fake ID's

  11. nothing to do. egg peoples houses, rob old ladies, claim benefits. also grab a pizza and go cinema, thts exactly what i do actually.

  12. My kids at the min are going the library every day they are having some sort of offer on I don't fully understand exactly what they have to do but they are rewarded with vouchers to go swimming and stuff, plus you can use their computers, it's worth checking the library near you to see if they have anything on.

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