
What is there to convert wind energy to eletric energy in windturbine?

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is there any motor or generator?




  1. There is a dynamo, a generator involving a coil and a magnet, the motion of the magnet relative to the coil causes the production of electricity.  It is a basic conversion of mechanical energy to electrical energy.

  2. Yip, a generator. It is the opposite of a motor. With a motor you apply an electric current in the wires which in turns creates a magnetic field which pushes on the permanent magnets inside the motor.

    With a generator, you move the magnetic field near loops of wires, which in turns creates an electric current in the wires.

    Try this, take one of those small electric fans, but instead of coupling it to a battery, connect it to a little light. Blow on the fan and see what happens.

  3. According the principle of electromagnetic induction , electromotive force (voltage) is induced in a coil if it or a magnet moves relative to each other. This is how the dynamo works. The dynamo has 2 magnets on each side of the coil. As the coil rotates , electric current is induced in it. In case of your windturbine , the turbine is made to rotate by the wind which blows over there , which induces electric current.

    You can see that now , wind energy is converted into electric energy.

  4. well, it has a energy conversion device called a dynamo which helps to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. like most devices. example : many cycle lights run in a similar way when u paddle away.

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