
What is there to do in Bray Ireland?

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How are the beaches there? How fast is acess to Dublin? ect...




  1. Get out of the place as soon as possible and check out Wicklow... you could go to the aquarium in Bray. Lots to see in the county of Wicklow, not much to see in the town...

    The Dart (public rail transport) goes into Dublin from the train station, the 145 bus is probably the best bus to get.

  2. Bray - my hometown (40 years in London).  The sea-defenses that were built over the last ten years or so have caused all the sand to disappear leaving shingle and stone.  Nothing like it was years ago.  You can climb Bray Head, walk the Cliff Walk to Greystones and get the Dart (train) or bus back - about five mile walk.  You can climb the two Sugarloaf mountains.  You can visit Glendalough - well worth a visit.   Play golf in at least six good courses within a five mile radius.  You can catch the Dart or bus to Dublin and do the bus tour there.  Lots to do in Dublin.  Bray:  visit the Sea Aquarium on the Prom - I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Irish singing most nights in the Seafront bars.   Pub food is excellent for lunch and dinner.   Apart from that, it is now very businesslike and not the place that I once knew - then again, what place is after so many years.  Have a great time and spit in the Dargle as you cross the Bridge................

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