
What is there to do in Paris alone?

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I'm going to Paris for a week for a short term job, but I'll have four days to myself. What would be some interesting things to do that won't break that bank, and would still be fun to do alone? My French is somewhat limited. I've been to Paris before, but I was with a large group. We did most of the normal touristy things, but I'd like to know what others think.




  1. uh look at all the guys!

  2. It seems to me that one obvious suggestion is to make some friends. My favorite hangout is a place called Aux Trois Mailletz at 56 rue Galand in the 5th arrondissement. Its just off the rue St. Jacques a couple of blocks south of the Seine.

    A really pleasant and friendly place where you'll find a lot of people who speak English (some better than others).

    Several people play piano there and there are various singers including several who are classically trrained and sing opera.

    The people who are there are like a crowd from central casting. There's Eric who is quite tall and slightly sinister looking until he laughs this big hearty guffaw. We've been known to call him "Lurch" (after the Adam's Family character)behind his back. Tony Wu is the manager. He visited Paris ages ago from his native Shanghai and never left.  Harrietta who plays piano most days from about 7:30 to 11 PM studied at the conservatory and can play Bach or Scott Joplin with equal skill.  there's Mieko who picked up and moved to Paris from Japan 7 years ago to study opera without knowing a soul or being able to speak a word of French. She's got one of the finest lyric soprano voices I've ever heard. Sylvain plays later in the evening, wears a bowler hat, and belts out Beatles and French standards. Say hello and he'll invite you to sing. I could go on but you get the idea.

    If you have a sunday evening free then go have dinner with Jim Haynes, an almost iconic figure from the sixties. You can read all about it on his website:

    If you're there on a Friday and have your skates with you then join in the Friday night skate party that gathers at the Place D'Italie at 10 PM. Thousands of people skate thru the streets of Paris with a police escort. the route changes every time but tries to pass by at least a few well known tourist sights.

  3. Walk and soak in the experience of being in another country.  Get an espresso at a cafe with a view and watch the people.  Find a jazz bar and listen to the music with some wine.  Go window shopping near the Arc De Triumph.

    You could spend some money and go to all the different museums (Louvre, Rodin, Museu De O'rsay, etc..)  Maybe take the Paris Sewer tour, I have been wanting to do that one, but always just missing it out.

    I suggest getting a guide book (Lonely Planet is my favorite) and look into doing something from there.  If you want to meet other English speakers go to an Irish pub.

    Oh yeah, Have FUN!!

  4. paris is mostly a sightseeing city. Take a look around and get to know the city. that wont cost anythink if you walk around. you never know you might find something really interesting. Id love to do that like

  5. Well, when I went to Itlay, there were lots of things to do. First off you could go shopping! Take photos of interesting places and put them into a scrapbook when you get home. Go to museums. Try foods you have never had before (dine somewhere.) Take a bus to a different city and go exploring a little. I mean its Paris! Go enjoy yourslef and relax, not many people get this opportunity. Have fun:D

  6. Do as I do. Get a coffee at the local starbucks (yeah, I know, very french of me...), go shopping at the Bazar de l'Hotel de Ville, eat out at Ladurée, get an ice cream form Berthillon on the Ile Saint Louis, go and pet the pups and kittens at Vilmorin, walk up the Champs Elysés and go home. That, my dear, is my favourite way of spending a day in Paris.

  7. go to the eiffel tower for sure, and have a croissant or some other french food (i don't recommend escargo(snails!)) enjoy yourself, go to the famous museums, go shopping, look for s**y french guys, and HAVE FUN!!! (remember to bring french books so you can speak to the native french!)

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