
What is there to do in panama?

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so my friend went to panama for a week or week and a half. what is there to do there i was wondering... it doesn't seem like a tourist country am i wrong? it seems like more of a place to go on a mission trip. (for Christ)

my minds boggled




  1. Yes you are wrong I am from panama and it's def a tourist country especially Panama city because of the canal and in colon city to because of the free-zone the second largest freezone in the world you always have tourist coming in and out of far as what there is to do there alot you can go to Bocas del torro very poppular place where alot of tourist go to surf,party ect also the decamoran popular anyways theres alot to do and almost everyone can speak english so language is no a barrier  

  2. The Ten Top Things to See and Do in Panama City

    1. City Tour

    The best introduction to Panama City is to take a city tour with a tour operator. City tours usually include the "Three Panama Cities" and a visit to Miraflores Locks at the Panama Canal.

    2. The Panama Canal

    You can get to the Canal in just 40 minutes from your downtown hotel. The place to see it is called Miraflores Locks where there is a viewing deck and the Miraflores Visitor Center, a state-of-the-art museum with interactive exhibits of the Canal's history, people and ecosystem. Admission is $10. For a special Canal experience combine your visit with a meal at the Miraflores restaurant with its extraordinary views of ships passing through the locks as you dine.

    3. Panama Viejo, Casco Viejo & Historical Tours

    Panama has one of Latin America's richest histories, with impressive pre-Colonial Indian cultures, as the crossroads of the Spanish empire, the prime target of history's most famous pirates and the site of one of man's greatest accomplishments- The Panama Canal. Most city tours include quick visits to the Panama City's main historical attractions. If you are a history buff or just enjoy historical tours it is worthwhile to hire a tour operator to give you an extended historical tour of the Panama City's historical sites in Panama Vieja (the original Panama City) and colonial Casco Viejo ( Old City) sector. Panama Viejo was the gateway city for the Spanish conquest of Latin America, once a thriving city of 10,000. Today's extensive ruins are the result of battles with the English pirate Henry Morgan in 1671. There is a excellent new museum near the site, but go with someone who speaks Spanish, because the exhibits are mostly in Spánish.

    Casco Viejo is the Spanish colonial city established in 1671 after the downfall of Panama Vieja and until the 20th century was Panama City. Perched on a piece of land that juts out into Panama Bay, the numerous fascinating sites reflect Panama's history as it intertwined with Spain, France and the United States. A proper tour never fails to delight history buffs. But again, it is worthwhile to hire a tour guide to regale you with the fascinating stories, not to mention take you around since there are few sign posts and nothing in English. Highlights include the 17th century churches including the Church of the Golden Altar, the ruins of 17th century convents and residences, original dungeons, a French monument to the 22,000 who died building the Panama Canal and the Panama Canal Museum in an elegant, restored building that once housed the headquarters of the French company that attempted to build a sea level canal.

    4. Amador Causeway

    With its spectacular views of Panama City's skyline and of the Panama Canal the Amador Causeway is a major attraction. The one mile causeway was created the Americans by connecting four small islands with rocks excavated from the Panama Canal and served as a breakwater to the Pacific Coast entrance to the Panama Canal. Today, these small islands, swept by pleasant sea breezes host fine restaurants, scenic bicycle and jogging paths(bicycles for rent at $2 a hour) a small Smithsonian Institute of Tropical Research aquarium, souvenir and specialty shops, a cruise port and a yacht marina.

    A good way to enjoy the Causeway is to dine at one of its many restaurants, most of which have ocean or Canal views. At Cafe Barko, which specializes in seafood and sushi, you'll enjoy views of Panama City's skyline and the Panama Canal. At TGIF's restaurant at the Country Inn and Suites, you have the best view of the Panama Canal complete with ships passing under the majestic Bridge of the Americas.

    5. Nightlife

    Few peoples rival the fun loving nature of Panamanians! Partying is a national pastime and reflected in a wide selection of nightclubs, discos and casinos...something for everybody. The action all takes place in three sectors of the city: Calle Uruguay, Casco Viejo and the Amador Causeway.

    6. Shop for Souvenirs and Native Handicrafts

    Although a small country, Panamanian native handicrafts rival Mexico's in their beauty and creativity. Don't leave Panama without an authentic souvenir made by one of Panama's seven living Indian tribes. Panama's most famous handicraft are "molas" intricate reverse appliqué embroidery made by the woman of the Kuna Indian tribe. Other items include the hand-woven baskets of the Embera Indians of the Darien jungle,similar to baskets woven by Navajo Indians and tagua nut sculptures- tiny figures skillfully carved from a tagua nut.

    Where to find them: You can find a large selection of traditional souvenirs at a Gran Morrison variety store near your hotel. Another popular place is the big Balboa Artisans Market, in the former American Canal Zone you can take a taxi. Las Tinajas restaurant with folkloric dance 3 nights a week, also has an artisans shop and there is a big craft market with the lowest prices at the Plaza de Cinco de Ma

  3. Are you kidding????

    PANAMA ROCKS!!!!!!!

    Lots of touristy stuff, lots of night life, beaches, modern city.

    It is the melting pot of central america.

    Go and enjoy. I did.

  4. I dunno, stock up on hats?

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