
What is there to know about Nursing?

by  |  earlier

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I am graduating high school in couple months and hope to major in nursing. Are they any pros/cons about it? if they are any nurses out there, id like to hear some advices :]




  1. I am a nurse.  If you want to give me some specific questions, I will answer gladly.

  2. changing adult diapers. taking care of adults like babies. I'm sure there's good money in it though.

  3. Please practice giving shots on an orange before you try it on a person.

    I'm not sure what you practice on to insert a catheter on a man, but please learn this procedure very well.

  4. one of the complaints of  nurses is that they  study  4-5 years  just  to  change  diapers  and  wash patients ..of  course  there  are  nurses  aids  that  help but  take  into  account  that will be  one  of your  responsibilities  as  a  qualified   RN .you will learn alot  about  taking care of  patients  to the  degree  that  youll be  able  to  give  doctors  advice  on how  to treat  a  patient  but  it  will be  the  doctor  that  will get   the  credit not  you  .its  a  hard  profession  !!but  alot  of  satisfaction comes from it .

  5. I am afraid greengra... is a bit ignorant. There is alot more to nursing than what he/she seems to indicate, and a "real" nurse wouldn't complain about such things. If you have specific questions I would be glad to try and answer them.

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