
What is they Key/ Formula for happiness?

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Just want to see what yall have to say, what your story is or advice for happiness, success.




  1. 1) Life everyday to your fullest.

    2) Never fail, but accept when you do.

    3) Love openly, because it can be taken away at anytime.

    4) Appreciate what you have

    5) Be strong

    && Never say never.

  2. Never admit failure or defeat. Success is within the next attempt at whatever you set your focus on. But, in the back of your mind, always be content with what you have gained thus far but never lose sight of the future and what lies therein.

  3. $$$

  4. Faster horses

    Younger women

    Older Whiskey

    More money


  5. forgiveness+love=happiness! woop woop! lol

  6. The formula for happiness is to choose happiness and to seek it out.  Happiness does not come to you.  You have to go to it.

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