
What is they best restaurant in the ville??????????????????

by  |  earlier

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i want everyone to answer after 25 i will pick they best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. What Ville do u mean ? If you mean Jacksonville, i would say anything from The Pig bar b que resturaunt on the westside to the elegant Ruth Chris on the river down town...

  2. Hmm. well, you said 'ville', and have a Cardinal, so I presume you meant Louisville.

    The best restaurant in Louisville area is just outside town in Radcliff. It is called 'Gyro Express'.

    Don't let the name fool you, this is a full blown Greek style restaurant run by a lady from the Greek island of Crete. Much yumness, check it out!

  3. Walkersville yo  Gotta be Pasquales italian pizza

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