
What is this,UFO,worm hole,...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It's  a rocket launch on the west cost.  We saw them all the time when I lived there.  They launch them from a military base in the evening time.  Most likely a spy satellite or other military stuff.

  2. That is a missile launch.  My buddy in Phoenix saw it or something like it.  This sort of thing happens when the space craft is between the setting sun and the viewer.    The sun illuminates the contrail as it goes through the dark sky.  Pretty cool, eh?

    Naturally, many people immediately concluded it was an ET UFO of some sort, demonstrating how a pre-existing belief coupled with a misunderstanding of the world can lead to reaching an incorrect conclusion.

  3. It is a missile test. Just like toy rockets they shoot them up they run out of power and crash down range.

  4. well there is no suck thing as a UFO worm hole, bu there are worm holes, and worm holes are formed when a black hole and white hole combine and if u go into one they say that you can time travel. so if u have any other questions just asked.

  5. A UFO wormhole is a outer space portal.

  6. UFOS use wormhole physics to make great jumps across interstellar distances.

    The very core operation of any UFO uses wormhole physics to gather great scalar potentials from the ZPE/Higgs/Quantum field.

    In order to propel across vast distances you need a blackhole in front of your ship. Artificially created through scalars.

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