
What is this Bug?.............

by  |  earlier

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I found it stuck to my door dead.....




  1. that's discusting and it looks alot like a cicada...i HATE cicadas

  2. now that i've seen the bug and i've read a dude's answer, it does really look like a cicada even though i've never seen it in it's nymph stage.

  3. Use these sites to ID bugs -

  4. It looks something like a creature from Aliens. Are you feeling anything strange in your stomach? ;)

    Actually, I think it's a cicada shell. Did you know they incubate in the ground for 17 years before they emerge? Then they only live for a short while. It's kind of sad. But, they are kind of ugly.

    One time a produce truck turned over in Nashville, TN filled with bananas. Well, at the same time there was a plague of cicadas and they were everywhere. There were millions of them; smacking into the windshield and crawling on the freeway. Plus there were all these gazillion bananas everywhere. It was a real mess. It was kind of disorienting. "Is this the apocalypse?", I thought to myself. But no, it was only bananas and cicadas.

    After that I went to Red Lobster and has some of those really tasty stuffed mushrooms and some scallops & such. They were delicious.

  5. It is the nymph stage of a Cicada.  The nymph spends most of it's life underground before it emerges.

    Scroll down about half way on the link provided, and there is a little movie showing the cicada emerge from the nymph.

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