
What is this COMMERCIAL???

by  |  earlier

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I'm going crazy trying to find out this commercial:

It's either Pepsi or Coca-Cola or something big name. A guy sees a picture of the drink and wants it, so he rolls it into a can, tears off the top (you see it fizz), and he actually drinks from the paper.

Weird question, I know. Do you know which drink it is?

This will help me sleep. :) Thanks!




  1. sounds like a dr pepper commercial..

  2. Ok, I've searched youtube for Dr. Pepper, Coke, Pepsi, Mt Dew, Sprite, and 7-up.  I vaguely remember the commercial and my first impression was Diet Pepsi, but I can't find it to verify.  If there is any consolation, it is going to bug the heck out of me until I find out as well.

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