
What is this Children's book called?

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This is a long shot, but does anyone know the name of the book about a little puppet, who has lots of dots stuck to him. He is sad because he has no stars because he isn't good at anything. There are people with lots of stars, and lots of dots. But then he meets this girl who doesn't have a single dot, or star on her. If someone tries to stick a dot on her, it falls right off...





  1. Hi!

    You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck .


  2. It sounds like Max Lucado's You Are Special...

    Short quote from the book:

    "And all day, every day, the Wemmicks did the same thing:

    They gave each other stickers. Each Wemmick had a box of golden star stickers and a box of gray dot stickers. Up and down the streets all over the city, people spent their days sticking stars or dots on one

    another. The pretty ones, those with smooth wood and fine paint,

    always got stars. But if the wood was rough or the paint chipped,

    the Wemmicks gave dots."

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