
What is this European trip called?? I have some of the details of it. I would like more info if possible...?

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My friend was recently in Paris, and she told me about a group of students she met that were on a five week european vacation. The group toured through several European countries during the course of about five weeks, and the price was about $5500. I know that the trip starts in London, and participants had to find their own transportaion to London.

Vague information, i know...but anyone have any idea what the name of this program is?! Or one similar to it? It's important that it's for STUDENTS. Thank you!!!




  1. There are many trips and each with it's own purpose.  I don't have a specific name, but I did go on two trips that were pretty similiar to what you have mentioned.  Expect that I didn't have to find my own transportation.  They were organized though the college I went to.  You didn't say if there were college or high school students.  But many colleges offer some type of study abroad programs.  Typically you can check with your college and they will let you know what is available.  I went on one that toured five countries and in each county we'd visit a business to study them.  It was like an hour visit and we'd been in each country for four days.  It was an amazing trip.  You should look into programs in your area.  So worth the time and money.

  2. Check out the tours from EF.  They have different combos for different prices and # of days.

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